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as I looked at jaz's father I couldnt help but be nervous. he is 6,7 and built like a tank. he lookes like he could rip me in to. he looked at me. " If I hadnt know you and your mother I would have killed you for not asking my permission first." I nooded for I do remember him from along time ago. " but as it is  I do know you and I know you wont let anything hurt my daughter. now sit their is something I need to tell you about your mother."  I sat down. shocked that he wonted to talk about my mom. " boy what do you now about the shape shifters?" I looked at him confused. " what does my mom have to do with those people." I asked still confused " I dont know but a week befor she died she to give you this map and tell you to go to their land." a thought came to me . is that what she ment be finding my inner animal.?" he shrugged " that I dont know. but what I do now is the yiu need to starting their for you dont wint to be caught into the mountains during winter." I nodded my head. " jaz its time to go." she stood up. " good bye father we will be back someday." she went over and hugged him and had to go on hear toes to kiss him on the chin. "good bye my daughter" and with them saying good bye we walk out of the house. I jumped onto my horse and held my hand out to her. and lifted jaz up unto the back.  we made it out of the castle walles with out and accident.  with the city behind us I clicked my heels on the hoars and it rocketed forward. I had to get as far away from this place as possible. but I also needed to go to the shifters land so I headed weast.

  "dont leave my side this town is a hell hole" I said to jaz. " the quicker we get of the streets and into an in the better." jaz looked around the small town we entered " how can these people live like this. they are where rags for cloths for crying out loud!"  I know it is disturbing to see wat the kings people are going though. and the fact that he does nothing about it sickens me." I pushed my way though the crowed of people with jaz right behind me. " look over their that is a place where we can stay." I looked over and sign read " the black hoarse " sounds interesting enough so I toke her hand and walked into the inn. the lady behind the desk looked up and asked. "how long will you be staying ."  I looked at her then said "1 night" she gqve me a key and walked us to or room. sence it was already night we went straight to bed. we woke early in the morning and we walk out of the in and  over to the nearest armory. where all kinds of wepons could be found. I bought a bow and arrows for hunting and got jaz a dagger to use only in a emergency. we ride out of the city. "how much further do we have to go" jaz asked after lving the town. " well if this map is correct we will reach their land within two day" we have been traviling for two weeks now and are on the edge of the kings land. " wow  realy. I cant wait." I can see the excitement in her eyes.  I laughed "come one its geeting dark lets rest for the night." she shook her head."lets keep going  we are almost their and anyways we can sleep on the sadle if we must."  I looked at her . "yes, I wont to get their as soon as possible." I smiled "in that case " I let out a long whistle qnd my horse shot forward .


      after all day and night of non stop riding we made it to the first shifter city. I was nervous for I dont know how they will act and if they will be nice to us. as we approached the city wall. a guard blocked are path and said "who are you. I know all who pass though these land that is a shifter but I dont know you."   I looked at him and said I qm a kings ranger and I  have com-" befor I could finish the mean began two shake and a terrible ripping came from him. and wat stands  in front of me is a wolf the size of a horse. it growled at me  I pulled my sword out " rangers are not aloud within our kings land. begone befor I kill you."  I jumped of my horse . " I have to talk to your king I have a important message to give to him."  the wolf looked at me. then he began to shrink back into human form. "then fallow me."  he opened the gates.  and walk us pass the gaurds. every where we looked animals and people we walking around birds were flying and people were shifting into their forms to join the animals. it was beautiful to see people and nature working together. "keep moving." the guard pushed jaz. "dont toucher her again." furry lacing my voice.  the guard didnt even flinch. he pushed me "keep moving." we passed many buildings and  and the man still keeped us going the castle was amazing.  the man door could have fit thousands of men and when we entered. the building had huge archs and glass Windows that had many details on them.

then a loud voice came over me. "what are they doing here! you know rangers are not allowed though the gates!" the guard that took us here whent down on one knee. " my lord they said they had a message for you." the king stood up  guards grabe the girl put her at sword point and put the ranger on his knees."  I went to grab jaz but the man we all ready on top of me and toke.her away puting a sword to her though. " dont hurt her!" I yelled. rage whent though my veins I wont lose her to. then I heard a loud ripping sound and I heard jaz scream. I opened my eyes and screamed but I didnt come out is a scream it was a a roar. my vision was red and I can only think about saving her. I lifted my paw into the air and slammed it down. the ground shook and all the men around me were launched into the walls unconscious.  the men that were  holding jaz let go of her. I ran towards. but when I got close she started to scream. I stopped in mid step. and that when I realized she looked really small. I stepped back  and I  looked at myself. "WHAT HAVE YOU DONE!" I turned to the king  my body rocketed to at him but befor I could reach him I hit a wall . pain rippled though my body . the king stood up. " you have alot of catching up to do my son".


well I have decided to do. a rewrite to make this story better if u have any ideas comment

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