Chapter 42 - Tour Rehersals

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***MONDAY, 3rd MARCH***

Nathan's P.O.V.

"Jay, what are you going to do while we all play instruments?" Tom asked.

"Just stand there like an awkward giant." Jay laughed.

"Jay, this is serious. Nathan will be playing piano, Max will be playing bass and Seev and I are going to be playing guitars, what are you going to do?" Tom pestered.

"Erm... I know! I'll play the triangle!" Jay suggested causing Max to laugh. Tom just rolled his eyes.

"Whatever Bird." Tom said.

We were on our first day of rehearsals for the tour and we had less than two weeks to get everything perfect for the fans. So far, all we'd done was mess about and 'argue' about the arrangements. And by 'argue' I mean, Tom having a tantrum every time someone disagreed with him. The poor kid was getting stressed out.

"So who's going to introduce this song?" Tom asked, taking his place back his mic stand with his guitar in his hand. 

"I think Jay should." Seev proposed, "since he's not playing an instrument and he and I were the ones that wrote 'Demons'." 

"That's actually a good idea, Bird?" Tom said.

When Jay didn't reply we all looked over to see him stood, phone in hand, smiling at the screen like a goof.

"Bird!" Tom shouted.

"Sorry, what?" Jay said, putting his phone back in his pocket.

"You're introducing 'Demons'." Tom told him.

"Okay." Jay said.

"Can we take a break?" Max complained, "I need a cig." 

"Okay, I'll go with you." Tom said, taking his guitar off and placing it on it's stand.

"Well I've needed the loo for the past 20 minutes so I'm gonna go." Seev said as he left the room, leaving just Jay and I. The Kids had gone with Tom and Max for a smoke.

"Why were you smiling at your phone earlier?" I asked Jay.

"Oh, I was texting Ellie." He smiled as he said her name.

"Really? This is the longest you've ever talked to a girl Bird, well done, I'm proud of you." I joked. 

"I know." He laughed.

"So, are you two dating yet or...?" I trailed off.

"I don't know. I see her quite a lot, like, I've seen her at least twice a week since I ran into her at that club. We haven't really talked about it. I'm not sure she'd want to date me anyway." Jay sighed.

"What makes you say that? I mean, you even just said yourself, you see her at least twice a week. Why would she see you that often if she wasn't interested?" I challenged.

"It's not that I think she's not interested in me. I think it's because of the band." He replied.

"What do you mean?" I was confused. 

"I don't think she can cope with the hectic schedules, the fans, the paps and everything else. I mean, in about a month we'll be leaving for America and we won't be coming back for like a month and a half. I don't know if right now is the best time to start a relationship." He explained.

"Well how do you think Tom, Seev and I are going to cope? I mean come on! My girlfriend is currently 33 weeks pregnant and the baby is due while we're in America." I sighed. I still had no idea what we were going to do about that.

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