Chapter 44 - The Tour Begins

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***FRIDAY, 14th MARCH***

~Liverpool Echo Arena~

Nathan's P.O.V~

"Okay, boys listen up! The Daybreak crew will be here soon to do a short interview so be prepared and don't act like a bunch of idiots, please." Paul nagged us.

"We never act like idiots." Jay said, the rest of bursting out into laughter.

"Yeah that's right, you're an exception, you just act like a dick." Paul retorted making us laugh even more.

"Just be on your best behaviour when they get here. And also, the first Meet and Greet is in an hour so be prepared for that too." 

We all just sat there, none of us moving. Paul pinched the bridge of his nose and breathed out.

"That means you should get dressed." He huffed before walking off the tour bus.

The tour was officially starting and I literally could not wait. My excitement was currently overpowering my nerves but I was sure that was probably going to change the closer it got to the show. I think I was definitely most excite to see the fans. I loved seeing their reactions in the Meet and Greets. There was always the shy ones who could barely speak, then there were the ones that screamed and went absolutely insane and how could I forget, the criers. They tended to just look at us and then burst out into tears and I hoped they were tears of happiness and not because they thought we were  hideous in person.

There was only one thing I didn't like about being on tour. And that was leaving Amelia behind, all alone in London.

We'd said our goodbyes earlier that morning, even though she'd be seeing me in a weeks time at the Sheffield gig, but still. I hated leaving her alone, especially since she was coming towards the end of her pregnancy, she only had 5 weeks left. That was the time she needed me the most and I wouldn't be there to take care of her. And that's when I got the genius idea.

I got up and began walking to the back of the tour bus, where it was the quietest.

"Nath, where you going? We've gotta go out for sound check and Meet and Greet." Tom called after me.

"Yeah, I'll be there in a minute, I just need to call someone." I explained.

"Well you better hurry up cos' it looks like Paul's in a bad mood so you don't want to piss him off anymore." Max said.

"Thanks for the advice, George." I replied sarcastically.

I walked fully into the back room of the tour bus, which just happened to be the bedroom with the double bed which we all fought over. Max won, meaning the rest of us were stuck with the tiny bunk beds. 

I closed the door of the bedroom behind me and sat on Max's bed as I pulled out my phone. I unlocked it and began scrolling through my contacts until I came across the one I wanted. I pressed call and put the phone up to my ear. I tapped my foot impatiently as I awaited as answer.



"Hello, Mum?" 

"What's up darling? Are you calling me because your nervous already, you know you'll be great." She assured me.

"Thanks Mum, but that's not why I'm calling." I told her.

"Oh, well, what is it?" She asked.

"I was just wondering, what are you doing over the next 2 and a half weeks?"

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