A Little Short For A Stormtrooper

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Constant throbbing of the Force woke him up. At first, he thought it was the bond reactivating. Kylo Ren sighed when instead of Rey's face he saw the one of General Hux. As if it was not bad enough already, just with his superior hovering above his bed, it got worse. The sneaky ginger had a blaster pointed at his face. The Supreme Leader quickly summoned the Dark side of the Force and reached out to send Hux flying across the room. Nothing happened. The General was still standing there, smiling wide.

„It's over, Ren," he stated and pointed at the men guarding a cage behind him.

A gasp escaped Kylo's lips. The creatures trapped inside were ysalamiri, known for their ability to suppress Force powers. So Hux was planning beforehand. Without hesitation, Kylo jumped out of the bed, grabbing his saber along the way.

„What do you want to do, Hux," Ren spitted out, his eyes locking with the General.

„I know it was you who murdered Snoke. You will be publicly executed for treason while every single solar system watches. They will see what we are capable of. Nothing will stand in the way of the First Order!" Hux yelled, his eyes radiating with hatred.

Kylo lowered his gaze for a few moments. The odds were not in his favor, but he would not give up. He squeezed the hilt of his cross-guard tighter, as one wrong move could easily end his life. Without the Force to connect to, the lightsaber felt a little bit different, but it was nothing he couldn't manage.

The crimson red light illuminated the dark lit room and Kylo stepped forward, pointing the blade at Hux. The General's response was quick as he fired the blaster, shouting at the troopers to open fire. The bolts were fleeing inches away from his head, but Ren didn't bother with them. He went forward, deflecting the shots with his saber, redirecting them at his former loyal troops. Hux continued to shout orders, more soldiers flooding the Supreme Leader's chambers. Kylo's goal was to kill the ysalamiri so he could use the Force again. One of the animals passed out as it took a direct hit from one of the Death Troopers and for a while the universe's energy filled his body, settling peace in his mind.

"They turned on me! Like everyone did!" Kylo mentally shouted into the void of the Force. There was nothing that would help him now. He released more screams and it was what woke Rey up.

"Ben!" she shouted, but got no response. Rey quickly sat up and tried to slow her breaths. Sweat on her forehead dripped down her face and as she wiped it away she knew this was more than just a nightmare. She had to do something.

It was the middle of the sleeping cycle but Rey kept on nervously stumbling around the Resistance base, looking for a way to connect with Ben. She felt he was in danger. This was not a nightmare like those before. This was very much real. Who should she tell? Who would listen to her plea to save Ben Solo, the last hope of the galaxy? Nobody would want to have anything to do with Ben...nobody....but General Organa.

Rey marched towards Leia's quarters when she bumped into Kaydel Ko Connix. The Lieutenant seemed to be in a big hurry as the crash sent her falling down to the floor.

"I am sorry," Rey mumbled and helped the petite blonde get back on her feet. Judging by her look the Lieutenant didn't get much sleep either, the fact that she had bumped into the young Jedi adding to that as well.

"It's okay, I should have paid attention more. I haven't expected someone to be up so late, to be honest. I have an urgent message for Leia," Kaydel said and turned to walk away.

"Urgent message? What is it?" Rey had a bad feeling about this. The Lieutenant paused her strut and her eyes locked with Rey's.

"The First Order scheduled Kylo Ren a public execution on Coruscant, one rotation from now on."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 14, 2018 ⏰

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