epilogue: wherever you are

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@kemps theo hasnt tweeted in an entire week what even is this

@theosk @TheoKemp babe are you okay

@maisysgurl guys maisy hasnt tweeted either

@theosmaisy i will go down with this ship

@theo4days people who still ship thaisy are delusional and stupid @TheoKemp @MaisyP

@mrskemp @theo4days jesus dont tag them in your hate. have some respect. the last thing they want to hear is your dumb ship wars

@TheoKemp Movie night with @MaisyP <3 instagram.com/p/BaywfqqHNkP/

@theoskemp jdfoijdosjojTHATS MAISY

@maisystheo sdjohoIJOIIOJFCANT BREATHE

@theory omg are they back together???


@MaisyP @TheoKemp i hate you a bunch

@TheoKemp @MaisyP you love me.

@MaisyP @TheoKemp yeah, sure, okay. god knows why... ;)


@TheoKemp I'm making a little video that should be up tomorrow... I have some things I need to tell you guys.

@thaisy if he proposed to maisy i stg

@theoandmaisy im so freaking happy i didnt give up on this ship

@maisykemp we did it kids

@MaisyP jesus guys im not pregnant shush your faces


kempsy: dude i cant watch im on vaca can someone send me a transcript???? asap?????

maisys: you got it sista


Theo: Hey, guys. So, I really know next to nothing about making videos like this, but

I guess... I should start out with an apology. Because my influence has made a lot of people think a certain way, and here I am about to take it all back. Or most of it, anyway.

Maisy is my soulmate. We found out a few months ago, right after the album dropped. Or, I did. And I freaked out. I didn't believe in soulmates. I thought the bond Maisy and I shared had been artificial. Like it was a curse. But I care about Maisy more than anything. Regardless of whatever my wrist says. I loved her before I knew. And now... Now I know I love her even if we are soulmates.

So, obviously, I'm not a Romanticist anymore. Not really. But I just want you guys to know that you can have your own beliefs. If you want to be a Romanticist, that is perfectly fine. You do you. But... If you aren't. I want you to know that you can't rely on that soulmate mark. You need to find that one person and fall in love with them. Fall in love with every bit of them, on your own.

I found the love of my life not knowing she was my soulmate. She knew, but... But the point is, that you shouldn't depend on the mark to find happiness. Love someone, and happiness will come to you.

*Theo looks behind him* Speaking of the love of my life... *Maisy enters, smiling at Theo*

Maisy: Hey. What are you doing?

Theo: Making that video I told you about. Want to say a few words?

Maisy: Sure.

Theo: Go for it.

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