however soft your symphony

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As the months progressed, Maisy found herself spending a lot of her time on weekdays at Theo’s place, sprawled out on his sofa or occasionally on his rug, diligently working on homework, or sometimes reading a book. Maisy liked the idea of being able to spend her downtime with Theo. The formality of actual dates was nice at first, but now it seemed like just that, a formality. It wasn’t quite the style that Theo and Maisy had grown to develop as a couple. The casual time they spent together, almost domestic, was when the pair felt most comfortable with themselves and with each other. When they were together in this type of causal setting, they found themselves able to get to know each other in a way that countless games of twenty questions at a booth in a cafe never could.

Theo would usually spend this sort of down time on the sofa with his guitar, sometimes writing music, other times just aimlessly plucking at the strings. It was relaxing for him, and most of the time, it didn’t bother Maisy too much. It was calming, and Maisy was truthfully enthralled by the new music Theo was writing. Even if she was only half-listening, it warmed Maisy’s heart to see Theo working on his own special talent that meant so much to him.

Occasionally, Maisy would have a rough day at school and come over to Theo’s apartment in a bad mood, closed off and grumpy. Honestly, these were Theo’s favorite days. On these days, Theo would devote himself to turning Maisy’s mood around. As the time went on, Theo became increasingly good at accomplishing this. He learned just the right things to say, how to to talk to her and how to make her smile. He knew what kind of music to play based on specifically what mood Maisy was in. Slowly but surely, Theo was becoming an expert in the art of Maisy Pemberton.

One weekday, Maisy stormed into Theo’s apartment immediately after school, and wordlessly made her way into Theo’s kitchen and stole a tub of ice cream and a spoon. She proceeded to take it to the couch and shovel it into her mouth. Theo, who had previously been busy emailing his publicist, questioned her, and Maisy mumbled something about a failed test and a know-it-all classmate, but didn’t offer Theo any sort of greeting or additional information. Theo gave her a crooked smile before closing his laptop. He stood up quickly and left the room, returning shortly with his guitar. Maisy responded with an overdramatic groan.

Theo then made it his mission to make Maisy laugh. He began strumming his guitar, singing silly songs and making up crazy lyrics all in an attempt to make Maisy crack, with very little actual success.

“Maisy, you drive me crazy. You’re hair is sort of wavy. You’re beautiful like a daisy...”

“Theo, shut up.”

“When I’m with you, my mind feels hazy. You always amaze me. You’re cooler than Patrick Swayze.”


“Maisy... You’re delicious like turkey and gravy. You’re never ever lazy. La dee da dee day-zee.”

“That doesn’t even make sense.”

“You, dear Maisy, are a party pooper,” Theo said matter of factly, quieting his guitar and smiling at Maisy. Maisy just stared back at him, unrelenting.

“If you’re going to sing, sing something good.”

“As you wish,” Theo rolled his eyes, and began playing his guitar again.

Maisy immediately recognized the song Theo started strumming, and she let out a loud laugh, shaking her head slowly in disbelief.

Have a seat upon this branch of mine

It's been a while honey I think I feel fine

I see the question mark a top your spine

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