It's a love story |part two|

353 17 38

Taylor's Pov
"Taylor Alison Swift, will you marry me?"

I look at him and the ring in complete shock. I love him but I don't think I'm ready. I barely know who I am. Taylor, just say something.

"Um.. well.. of course." I say stuttering.

He slips the ring on my left hand and puts his hand behind my back and kisses me.

"Caitlin, you can come out now!"

I see Caitlin stumbling out the door with a bottle of wine.
Oh no.

"WOO!" She screams and puts her hands in the air. Then immediately after... falls over.

"Are you okay?"

I whisper to Joe
"Is she drunk?"
"A little. We got a bottle of wine to celebrate and she drank a little too much."

"A little?" I say with shock.

"Caitlin are you drunk?"

"I don't know aaaammm I?" She responds starting to slur her words.

"Yep, she's gone."

I walk up and take the wine from her.

"You're no fun!"

"Okay, just... good girl." Joe pats her back.

"I like you. You're cute."

Joe and I both look at each other.

"How did Caitlin become more Caitlin?" I ask confused.

"I feel like we're babysitting a toddler." He whispers.

"Love. L.O.V.E, love. "L" is for life. What is life without love?

"Are we supposed to answer?" I ask Joe.

"Let's just get her home. Caitlin! Let's go home."

Joe picks up Caitlin and takes her to the car since she could barely move.

"We should get drinks."

"No we shouldn't. We should go home."

"Can we listen to Reputation?" Caitlin says as she pushes the button for the CD.


Why does she have to be drunk right now.

"Yep, I am um... ready for it."

One painful car ride later
Joe carries her up to her apartment and I take the keys from her purse.

When we get there she stands up and starts to get undressed. Joe and I both turn around. I hear a thud and she's on the floor with half her dress off and one heel on.

"A little help please." She asks struggling.

I help her get into her pajamas and I set her in bed.

"Guys? Will you stay with me until I fall asleep?"

Joe and I look at each other.


Joe sits on the end of her bed and puts his hand on her until she falls asleep.
We turn off the lights and get back into the car.

"Well that was um.. an experience." I laugh.

"I don't ever want to come across Caitlin drunk or anyone drunk for that matter."

I turn off the CD tired of hearing that album again.

"She's not going to feel the best tomorrow."

"No" I say looking down laughing.

"At least this can be a funny memory or something."

We end up back at our place and I walk in looking at everything. He really did make this place look beautiful. I guess I'm marrying him. I don't know. We get home and grab and glass of champagne and sit on the couch.

"I love you." He says looking in my eyes.
"I love you too."
Authors note: I didn't really know what to write for the chapter so 500 of 550 words is Caitlin drunk.

She said yes though but she did she really want to *bum bum bbbuuumm and more dramatic music*

Teaser:  "Thank you Caitlin."

"That's what friends are for."



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