Big Reputation

266 16 35

Taylor's Pov
Please be home, please be home. I need to talk to someone right now who doesn't remind me of my past as much. I stand there still in tears. She opens the door.

Thank gosh.

"Selena." I say barely being able to speak. I quickly hug her.
"What happened?" She looks at my face.
"I called off the wedding."
"Come here." She closes the door and hugs me while I cry. I put my head on her shoulder and just lets me cry. After a few moments she picks up my head.

"Hey, look at me. I don't know why you did it but I guarantee it was for a good reason. Now, I think it's time to sit on the couch and eat junk food."

"Yeah." I smile slightly.

After we sit on the couch she starts to ask me questions.

"Why did you end it."

"I don't know who I am Selena, I've never been so lost in my entire life. I couldn't marry him. I don't feel like Taylor Swift. I feel like nothing..all the time. I'm terrified of what I was and still partially am. I need to figure out what I am, who I am.

"Taylor, Killer Frost took a part of you. You lost that and you need to find it again."

"But some things you break can't be put back together."

"Taylor, some times you have to believe just because something can't be fixed...doesn't mean it's broken. I don't believe you are broken. I think you're lost. There's a difference."

"You're so inspiring like what the heck."

She laughs and so do I.

"So if I'm just do I find myself?"

"That's for you to decide. When you are sad or in pain, what do you usually do?"

"Well that's easy, I write."

"There you go then."

"My music. It's always been there for me. Selena, I'm going to reopen the Reputation Stadium Tour."

"You never got to finish."

"I'm going to make some phone calls."

I get my phone and for once start to feel.

One month later
Caitlin's Pov
I check on Joe everyday. He always seems to be worse. He misses Taylor so much. Tonight Taylor is opening her tour again. He's gonna be a mess.
The first couple weeks he seemed to be doing okay but now all he does is drink. He's also not an adorable drunk like me. I'm pretty fun.

He's that one where if they have too much they get mean. I clean up the apartment a lot and try to make sure he doesn't do anything stupid.

I take a deep breath and unlock the door. I finally just made a copy of the key for convenience.

"Hey Joe." I say softly.

I look around and I see a few bottles of beer and him just staring at the tv. He also has one in his hand.

It breaks my heart to see him like this.

I go and clean the bottles up and throw them away. He's not the biggest fan of me constantly coming over but I won't leave him. I'm his friend and I have to make sure he's okay.

I took Olivia and Meredith in because I didn't quite trust Joe to look after them.

I sit on the couch next to him. I can smell the alcohol from his mouth and bottle. I try so hard to help him.

"Hheeeyyy Caitlin. Are you here to look after me again? You know you can just leave. It's pointless being here."
"No, I won't leave you."
"Taylor is opening her tour tonight. That snake."

A Thawing Heart (Killer Frost/Jaylor fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now