Love Made Me Crazy

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3 months later
August 25th
Taylor's Pov
I've been on tour for three months now. Nothing has gone wrong except when someone attempted to jump on stage.

"Goodnight Nashville! Thank you so much for having me tonight." I wave to the crowd and walk off stage.

For the first time in years I feel whole. My past isn't weighing on my shoulders. None of it matters when I look into a crowd of fans just singing my songs. My music is what matters.

I walk to my dressing room and look at my phone. I open it and there's a text from Joe. I haven't talked to him in months.

Hey Taylor, This might seem out of the blue but we haven't talked in a while. Do you want to meet for dinner tonight? It doesn't have to be as a couple. I just want to talk. I saw your show tonight. You were amazing :)

Every instinct in my body says to not go. I have nothing else to do though. I do miss him.

Sure. I'll meet you at The Blue Bird café at 10:00.

(Let's pretend that you don't need to make reservations.)

When I arrive I look around. It feels like yesterday I was here and Scott Borchetta discovered me and signed me on to a record deal.

I walk in and see Joe. There's barely anyone here. I sit down and it's pretty awkward.

"Hey." I say looking down at the table.

Neither of us know what to say.

" how is your tour so far?"

"I miss you." We both say at the same time.

"This tour has been one of the most amazing things. I finally feel again." I say looking into his eyes.
He puts his hand on mine.

"Then come back to me."

"I...I don't know."

"You just said that you missed me. If you're performing songs like Call It What You Want, those songs don't mean a whole lot when I'm not with you."

"Sure. I'll come back." I smile.

"Good. Caitlin misses you and I um...never mind."

"Oh, what did you do?"

"I may have broke her by accident."


"Please don't get mad. When you first left I was a complete mess. Caitlin helped me. I told her something hurtful and she hasn't forgotten it. I brought up Ronnie and how she truly never moved on. I'm not an expert on girls. I think you might be able to help her."

"How bad is it?"

"Bad. She hasn't gone to work since. She's the best in the field so they haven't fired her yet but she hasn't left her apartment. This is what she was supposed to do two and a half years ago but instead she bottled it up. Now she's suffering."

" bad is it?"

"She's almost crazy. She sees Ronnie. I go to her place and all she does is sit on the couch and talks to nothing. She still keeps the apartment clean though because she thinks someone else lives there."

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