I'd Lie

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Joe's Pov
Taylor is the worst liar. To most people they wouldn't notice but I've known her for a while now. I don't know what she could be covering up but I'll find out at some point.

"I'm going to run to the hospital now...to run tests on a patient." Caitlin says suspiciously.

"Who is the patient?" I ask.

"It's um...classified. Doctor patient confidentiality." She says slowly turning away then bolts out the door.
"You said you were cleaning but yet it's a mess still."
"Um yeah. I heard you come home and I didn't want you to see."

I see her slip something in her jacket quickly. I'm not gonna ask.

A couple days later
Joe's Pov
I wake up in bed and again Taylor is gone. She's been doing this the past couple days. Every morning at 5:30. It sounds like she's sick but insists she's fine. She doesn't eat much either. She picks around her food and when I ask she says she's not hungry. I really don't want to go through lying like this again.

"Taylor! Are you okay?"
"Yep I'm fine."

I knew she would respond with that but it was worth a shot. She spends almost an hour in there until she comes out. She finally walks out.

"Taylor, everyday for the past four days you've been sick."

"No I haven't."

"Taylor, I know you're lying."

"It's just lady stuff. You don't want to know."

"So you do admit something is wrong."

"Nothing is wrong. I'm fine. I'm not gonna like die or anything. I don't have like a disease."

"Then why are you acting like this?"

I look at her face. She wants to speak and say it so badly but she just can't.


"Talk to me when you're interested in telling the truth." I get up and leave.

Taylor's Pov
I need to leave for a little bit. I need to get away just to calm down. I want to tell him so badly. I just can't for some reason. I'm scared. So scared. I put my hand over my stomach to try and comfort me.

I throw on a plaid coat with a sweater underneath with shorts and studded boots.

I grab my purse and start to walk out.
"Taylor!" Joe yells and I continue to walk. I grab a taxi.
"Where to?"
"Just away from here." And he starts to drive.

Joe's Pov
I see Taylor walk out the door. I won't stop her. A few moments later I hear a knock at the door.

"Oh um...hi Joe."
"What are you doing here?"
"Taylor wanted me to stop by. Is she here?"
"Well um...give this to her. It's a girls thing she asked me to do."

She hands me a envelope. It has Taylor written on it and I can tell there's a piece of paper inside.

"Well um.. bye Caitlin." I close the door.

I set the envelope on the counter. I look at it for a while before thinking screw it.

I start to tear it open and when I look inside there's a paper. I see Taylor Alison Swift in print at the top. It's obviously hers.

It has a bunch of fancy medical stuff but from what it looks like Caitlin ran a blood test on her.
Why would Taylor need a blood test?

I look through the paper. There must be something specific she tested for. I look across and see something circled in blue pen.


This is what she was hiding. Wait her sweatshirt. She put something in it the other night. I look around for it and it's hanging up on a door. I reach in the pocket and pull out a pregnancy test.

It's positive.

Taylor's pregnant and she's been lying about it. I know I should be happy but I'm honestly more mad about the fact she lied again. I walk back in the kitchen and I look at both tests again.

The door opens and It's Taylor. She looks at me. She sees I'm holding the paper and the test. She immediately stops in her tracks.

"Surprise..." she says with almost no positive emotions.

Taylor's Pov
The taxi turns around the block and all I hear is traffic.
Wait what am I doing?

"I need to go back."
"May I ask why?"
"I need to tell someone the truth."

He turns the taxi around and we start to drive back.

When I arrive back I open the door. Oh no, no, no, no.
I put my hands over my mouth.
"Surprise..." I say with shame and fear.

"Taylor. How could you keep this from me!" He slams the tests on the counter.
"Joe please...it's not what you think."
"Um..what is it then, Taylor?"

"I wanted to wait until I was sure. I didn't want to get our hopes up for it to just be false. I asked Caitlin to run some tests."

"How long have you known?"
"Four days. Unless that paper says something different."
"Taylor, I'm not mad at you for being pregnant. I'm mad that you constantly lie and keep secrets. Especially secrets like this. When you do, all it does is hurt people."
"I'm sorry."
"I know you are."

"What does the paper say." I look down ashamed.
"The same as four days ago."

"Oh my gosh. Really?" I run over and look at the paper. Caitlin conveniently circled that I was.
I cover my mouth and cry.
"Joe, we're having a baby." I turn around and say.
He turns around and looks at me.
"I guess we are." He smiles.

"I'm sorry for lying."
"I'm sorry for getting so mad. I knew what I was getting into when I married you." He laughs.

I put my hand around my stomach and I smile.
Joe comes and hugs me and puts his arm around me. I look into his eyes.

"I love you."
"I love you too."

Authors note: I feel like I haven't had many cliff hangers recently. I need to get back into those.

Ugh I have school tomorrow. Wwwhhyyyy.

Also why does Taylor lie so much? (Because you write it like that Brooke.)
Well sorry I get like visions of the next chapters and I just write it. Am I literally talking to myself right now. It's late guys I'm sorry 😂

Well goodnight guys.

Teaser: "Okay...when you first saved me you just were a lot different."

She turns away like and it's like I just shot her in the heart.





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