Chapter 1

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Me and my family were working out the Block, our place where we were eventually going to build a house and live. Dean, my Father was cutting wood up down in the trees. He was a shortish man, he had a pot belly that he was working on getting rid of, he also had a beard and a bald head. He looked kind of like those bikers that ride Harley Davidson's around towns, but he wasn't mean or up tight like some of them are, he was as nice man that would do anything to protect his family and make them happy.

Me, my mother, Fiona and my two younger sisters, Dani and Tori, had just arrived and were making my way down to him. My mother, Fiona was a lean lady, very short and had brown curly hair that was always a mess, I loved her for her hair. Dani, the middle child was 11 years old, had thin mousy Blond hair that was always in her face. Tori the youngest of the family was 9 years old and bright Blond hair that covered he face the instant she removed it. My name is Jamie and I'm 18, or well in a day i would be, i had short cropped hair that was brown, i had a small dainty nose piercing, I was more of a 'tom boy', I had a butterfly tattoo on my rib cage.

I put on my gloves and started to pick up the wood that had already been cut and split. My little sister went off exploring the trees, "Dani and Tori, get over here and help me pick up the wood now!' After telling them three or four times to come help me put the wood in the trailer, I gave up and did it by myself. Dad was looking at the road as a massive bus drove past with the faces of One Direction plastered on its side. Dani immediately screamed once she saw it. Dani loved One Direction, actually no scratch that she was obsessed with them. i had nothing against them personally, I'm sure they are great people but I hated any one that was famous, accept for Megan Fox in the first transformers movie. I guess you could say I had a mini woman crush on her.

"That bloody bus has driven past three times now!" exclaimed my dad. Just as the words flew out of his mouth it came around again only this time it stopped. We could see from here that it wasn't working, so Dad got on the 4-wheeler and rode over, after a couple of minuets Dad came back, "They have broken down and were wondering if we knew a mechanic" Dad said smiling, because he knew the exact people to fix it, me and him.

Dad and i rode up to the shed collected a few tools, a jump starter pack, fuel and some overalls. I decided I was going to meet him down there I had to go to the bathroom. I took my overalls in to the bathroom of the cabin and got changed. As soon as I walked out I realized I would have to walk down there, it wasn't that far but it would take a good 5 minuetes to get there and I was really lazy. So I threw on my motorbike jersey and my helmet, pulled my bike out of the shed. I started it up and started to ride down the rode, I got a little way and realized how much I missed my bike. There were a few people down there i could see and y dad was talking to one of them pointing at me, signaling me to do a mono, I didn't want to let him down and i am a bit of a show off so i clicked my bike in to third gear, then fourth getting faster and faster then sure enough i got the bike to do a mono all the way down the rode. I pulled on the breaks and moved of the dirt on to the bichermen and pulled up beside the bus.

I took my helmet off and walked over to my Dad, he was laughing and saying "I told you so!" to some guy. "Hey." I said. " This is my daughter, Jamie, shes gonna help me fix the Big ol' bus for ya." Dad told the man, he was surprised at first, I'm not sure why. "Nice to meet you Jamie, I'm Paul" he said happily.

Suddenly the bus door crashed open and 4 maybe 5 guys fell on top of each other. We were all in hysterics at the sight, it looked like a bad game of Twister gone wrong, legs arms were every where and the boys were yelling at each other, "Get your ass out of my face, Zayn." one said. "Take your hand away from my male organs, Niall." yelled another. Once they all got up one of them waring a striped White t-shirt and bright red rolled up jeans and suspenders, he looked familiar says "I tolllllld you all she was a girl." he said pointing at me in jersey and overalls that were tied at the waist by the arms. I looked at him questionably and he caught on "oh...uhm...sorry about that some of the lads here thought you were a boy with the helmet on." He went red talking to me.

I laughed "Haha don't worry its not the first time." I said with a smile.

I walked over to him "Hey, my names Jamie Cartell." i said extending my hand for a handshake. He took my hand "Hello, Louis Tomlinson." he said. And thats when things became clearer he was famous. I introduced my self to the other boys short and sweet. "Hello, Jamie Cartell." i said to all of them. one with a super man t-shirt, jeans and converse sneakers, came over to me and introduced himself, "Hey, Im Liam Payne.", Then next the one with black hair in a quiff, a red Varsity jacket exactly the same to the onei had at home, and mine was coustome made it had my initals on it and all. "Hey, my names Zayn Malik" he said quickly, "Hey, Jamie Cartell, we have exactly the same jacket." "oh thats pretty cool even the letering?" he asked. "Yeah, i had the leters on mine coustom made though." next one had brown curly hair, and was wearing a whit t-shirt, jeans and no shoes. "Hey, I'm Harry Styles." "Hello." and last but not least was the blonde one. He was waring a whit tank, Lakers hat, cargo shorts and volleys, he also had braces. "Horan, Niall Horan." he told me in a 'James Bond' kind of way, I couldn't help but laugh. "Cartell, Jamie Cartell." I said.

Introductions were over and i walked away hoping no-one would follow accept my dad. I wallked to the front of the bus and took of my Motorbike jersey. I only had a plain Whit tank top underneath that was very fitting. I started to work on the bus and just as i finish my dad comes round, "Nice of you to come help Dad." I said sarcasticaly, "I'm sorry, bub i got distracted talking to the boys." he said with a big smile plastered on his face. "I noticed, anyways bus is all fixed." I told him. "Really? good Job." He said proudly.

I heard a beep of a horn and walked out from in font of the bus, it was just my mum. "Hello everybody I'm Fiona, and this is Dani and Victoria or Tori for short." mum exclaimed. More introductions of the Boys and Paul were made and my sister Dani started to fan-girl right in front of them. "Sorry about her, shes a big fan" i said looking at the boys apologetically. " Its fine," Liam stated with a smile. "Would you like an Autograph and picture uhm Dani is it?" "OH. MY. GOD. YES PLEASE." Dani screamed. Soon she was getting mums phone out of the Ute and giving it to me to take some photos.

It was getting pretty dark as I took the last photo, "Now listen we are gonna have a Barbie Que, do you guys want to stay for dinner?" my mother asked. No, No, please say Noi thought. "uhm...well I don't know about you guys but I'm hungry so i think that's a yes?" Paul said looking for acceptance in the boys and the bus driver. "Yeah!" everyone seemed to say in union. Shit i thought.

After dinner the boys were sitting round the fire, "so where are you boys staying tonight?" my dad asked? "uhm we aren't sure yet..." said Louis. "Well if you would like you can come stay with us in our house for the night if you would like?" i heard my mother yell from the kitchen. "Yeah, that's a good idea." they talked about it for a bit, then Harry said "we don't want to be a burden." "Oh, don't be silly you wont be a burden." exclaimed my mother. "Well if its alright with you then, yeah we'd love to!" Harry said with a smile on his face. "Uhm could be a problem, you boys wont mind sleeping in Jamie's room with her, will you? its just we don't have any other spare rooms in the house and her rooms the biggest!" explained my dad. I almost chocked on my water when he said I would have to share my bed. "Nah we don't mind, as long as its OK with Jamie?" asked Harry. Everyone was looking at me, Mum and Dad were giving me a stare that stated i didn't have a say weather i cared or not they were sleeping in my room. "No its fine, I don't mind." I said through gritted teeth.


Authors Note-

Hey Guys this is my first novel, so tell me what you think, Dont forget to comment. Don't hold back :)

Also i need a few Characters to add to this so if you could tell me a bit about yourself(likes, dislikesthat kinda stuff) I will try and add you into the story. :)

Oh, and comment if you want me to keep writting this story! if its crap tell me :)

 Thankyou <3

Follow me on twitter- @JamyLee1D

Follow me on Tumblr- jamylee1d

-JamyLee <3

Hate to Love in 5 easy steps!(One Direction and The Wanted Fan-fic)Where stories live. Discover now