Chapter 4

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 "Should we wake them up?" I heard Louis say. "Nah, they look cute like that, Oh Oh take a photo and upload it to twitter." Harry told them. I immediately woke up. "Niall get off." I yelled pushing his head off, he brushed me off and fell back asleep. "Go away!" he yelled back. "Niall, are you right? you'r squishing my boobs, I'm not a pillow get off me!" he was laying on my chest . The boys were laughing and taking photos. He finally woke up and got off me. "Did you sleep well Niall?" Zayn asked trying to hold in his laugh. "To be honest yeah I did ha ha." he looked at me and blushed. Louis was looking at me with a huge grin. "Don't pretend you didn't enjoy it Jamie." he said. "Oh, Shut up Louis." I threw a pillow at him. I got up. "What time is it?" I asked. "Uhm...6:30." Liam answered. "Shit., I guess I should get ready for school..." I grabbed some skinny jeans, a white t-shirt, and a flannel shirt to go over top. "Yeah us to..." Harry told me."Okii dok- wait what? you don't have school anymore? right?" I was confused. "Surprise, we are going to school with you today and tomorrow and if we like it we can stay for another 3 months, and finish our courses. which means we will be moving in with you...Yay! " he did a sarcastic twirl in the air with is finger. I was going to flip out. Great i get to spend 3 months with this mob. I mentally *Facepalmed* myself in the face. "Oh god....-" I didn't know what to say. "Ar you OK?" Liam asked noticing the worried look on my face. "Uhm...yeah...I need a shower." I picked up my clothes and ran to the shower.

And hour and a half later I grabbed my bag, my black and grey varsity college jacket and a piece of toast. I made my way out to the car and realised I had five other people following me. "Your driving? With your arm like that? I don't think so" Niall asked. He was glaring at me with his hand held out asking for the keys. "Fine!" i told him. We all piled in to the 4-wheel drive and drove to school. I got out of the car and basically ran to the Year 12 common room. I put my bag down and jumped on the couch next to my best friend Natalie. "Hey!" she said. "Hey!"  She was a tall girl with long purple hair and a messy kind of smart ass look. She was wearing ripped jeans and our year twelve jersey with white boots that went up to her name. The boys caught up and walked in. "Jamie, where do we put our bags and shit?" Liam asked. i pointed behind me,where my bag was. Suddenly Natalie started to freak out, she was fangirling.

10 minuets latter i calmed her down and she got all the boys autographs and pictures. "Why didn't you tell me?" she asked. "I didn't tell you because i spent most of yesterday running around trying to find a hospital with a fricken doctor." I exclaimed holding up my armto reveal my fluro pink cast. "Oh how did that happen?" I started to explain when Niall jumped on the couch next to me and started to explain how it was his fault. we argued about who's fault it was for a little while longer, but the bell went. "oh shit I have VCD with Mcalvey and this lot, great." I complained. "Hey, we arn't that bad!" Harry exclaimed. "Yeah well I better head off, I'll-" I got cut off, "We'll,"Louis corrected me. "Sorry, we'll meet you at recess,ok?" I asked, "Yeah sure." i heard Nat say as I walked out the door to room 14. "Do we have all the same classes?" i asked Liam. "Yeah, whatever you have, we have to." he replied. Great i thought to myself.

The door was open and the class had already begun. I opened the door and walked in. The class went dead silent. I sat in my normal seat, next to Sarah.  Sarah was a short girl, with hair that was always changing colour.  Today it was bright pink, almost the same colour as my cast. The boys sat down at the table with me and Sarah. The boys introduced themselves to the teacher and we started our work.  Tara, JC and Lucy came up to me straight away. "Are the boys with you?" Lu asked. "Yep..." I replied. "Why? I mean your a loser." JC stated. I knew for a fact that JC liked Niall a hellova lot, and for that comment about me being a loser. I grabed Nialls hand and put it round my shoulder. "I'mnot sure whydon't you ask them, well, thats if they give you the time of day, considering you not all that important..." i looked her in the eye and smiled. Niall had a confused look on his face,I mouthed at him to play along, so he did. He wrapped one hand around my waist and pulled me closer. "Ouch...big words for a little girl." Tara was justabout ready  to start another fight with me. "Alright ladies break it up." Niall stood inbetween us staring straight into my eyes. His eyes were a beautiful bright blue. I hadn't noticed it before. The girls turned around and walked off. "What was all that about?" Niall asked. "They are my 'frienermys', I will explain it later."

First period was down and I was getting all kinds off stares as i walked down the hallway into the lirary where I, sorry We,  had math.  I sat my books down and pulled out a pen. Rogo(Mr. Rogan) walked in and told us to startswritting down whwta was on the board. In the original class, with out the boys, there were only four people, my self, Nat, Sarah and Jackson, Jacks for short. The boys again introduced them selves and we started work. 

Niall complained every 5 minuets that he was hungry. Zayn kept drawing cartoons on my cast. Liam listened and was trying to catch up. Louis was throwing bits of paper at me and Nat and Harry was flirting with Sarah. Jacks came over, "Hey, Vas happenin?", I laughed at his Zayn talk. "Hey not much just re-evaluating my Pythagoras Theorem, can you help?" i asked."Yeah sure." he smiled happily. We spent the rest of the class working on it.

I put my books in my locker and the boys put some of there's in there to. Nat and Sarah put there books away.  We walked out and was Hot.I took off my jumper and took it back inside. We went down to the canteen and ordered some food. i checked the weather report on my phone. "Holy shit its 28 degrees, do you guys wanna go to the pool after school?" I asked the group, including the boys. I heard all the boys say yes, and Sarah and Nat answere were delayed. the bell went for third and fourth period. We headed back to the common room.


I got through the rest of the day and it was time to go home. i grabbed my bag and turned around to run into Naill. "Hey, still hate me, or should I say us?" he asked cockily. "You'll be glad to know I don't hate you, but your not my best friend either." i told him. "Well thats good enough for me." he smiled. "righto lets go." I said grabbing his arm and pulling him along. The girls came back to my house and borrowed a couple of my bikinis, I grabbed mine, the boys grabbed there Bordie's and we got into the to car and drove to the pool. "I'll pay." Zayn said. i was about to protest but he put his hand in my face and cut me off. "Its not a choice. I'm paying." "Thankyou." i said with a grin. Jacks was the life guard there. We got changed. I was wearing a purple, green, blue and black striped bikini. The boys ran and jumped into the water. Sarah and Nat did the same but went to the other end and slowly got in. I walked over and started to have a chat with Jacks. "Hey!" "Hey! I didn't know you were coming. You came at a good time i get off my shift in ten minuets." he replied. "Oh cool,we can all swim together." i replied excited.

Suddenly Niall picked my up and put me over his shoulder. "Niall put me down. Now!" I screamed. "OK." he said with a smile. He put me down and i was picked up again this time by Harry. "HARRY IF YOU PUT ME IN THAT POOL ILL KILL YOU!!"  I screamed. "Oh you will not." he put me down right on the edge and pushed me so that i had to hold on to his arm to stop my self going in. "If I go in, your coming with me." I warned. "That's fine I have already been in." I had a pretty tight grip.not one he could get out of. He jumped in with me and the cold water engulfed me. It was cold. I came back up, and breathed in the fresh air. "Harry I hate you!, Niall stop laughing!" I got out of the pool and ran over to Naill who was dry. "Jamie get off your all wet ha ha." He was laughing to hard. "No you started this." I yelled giving him a massive hug. Jacks was lauging as well so I hugged him to. There wasn't many people there,twelve maybe thirteen. A few hours later it was time to go, "Cya, Jacks. Cya Girls." i said my goodbyes got in the car and waited for Louis to get in and drive us home.


Authors Note-

Hey Guys this is my first novel, so tell me what you think, Dont forget to comment. Don't hold back :)

Also i need a few Characters to add to this so if you could tell me a bit about yourself(likes, dislikesthat kinda stuff) I will try and add you into the story. :)

Oh, and comment if you want me to keep writting this story! if its crap tell me :)

 Thankyou <3

Follow me on twitter- @JamyLee1D

Follow me on Tumblr- jamylee1d

Also go read some one NatalieJess's storries they are amazing :)

-JamyLee <3

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