Chapter 12

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Jamie’s P.O.V

We arrived back at Sarah’s House and I wasn’t feeling the best.

“Jamie are you ok? You look…a bit…green?” Nat asked, looking at the other girls for approval.

“Natalie’s right you don’t look so good.” Sarah said grabbing the bag I had and placing them on the floor.

Shae and Emily came to my side and lead me towards the couch. I sat down and started to feel the churning in my gut.  I stood up and started to get dizzy.

“No I’m Fine, but I just need to get something from my house to get something, Sarah can you dropme off and I’ll ride my bike back here. I’ll be about ten minutes.” I spoke softly.

 Sarah grabbed the car keys and we walked out the door. I got in and leant my head against the window, hoping the headache that was starting to form would be gone when I had had some panadol.

 It seemed like seconds later we arrived at my house.  Sarah was a speed demon, we both were.

“I’ll see you later, bye.” I gave Sarah a reassuring smile.

“Ok, Bye.” Giving a weak smile.

I opened the door. I felt kind of light headed. “Honey’s I’m home.” I stated in a ridiculous voice.

“Hey, It’s just me here. The rest of the Lads went out to grab popcorn we’re going to watch the footy. And by footy I mean English footy not AFL haha…” Zayn stated turning around from where he was sitting.

“Ahh, your shitting me. No-one tell Sarah or she will be round here watching it with you guys!” I grabbed the door frame to steady myself a bit.

“Uhmm….Tom told Kelsey and she told the rest of the girls and apparently they are all coming round to watch it anyway…” He looked away.

“Oh…” I stepped forward “Do you want a tea or coffee?” I asked him.

“Ahh yeah thanks that would be nice.” He said shooting a thankful glance my way.

I walked in to the kitchen and flicked the switch on the kettle. I reached for the sugar container but it was empty.

“Crap…maybe we have some in the top cupboard..” I mumbled to myself.

I opened the cupboard to see the sugar on the top shelf. “HEY ZAYN! COME HERE FOR A TICK, PLEASE!”  I yelled.

Soon enough Zayn walked in. “Yes, Ms. Cartell?” he asked sounding like a teacher. It was kind of weird.

“Yeah. Uhm first off Mr. Malik, don’t call me Ms. Cartell, it makes me sound old and I’m only eighteen. Secondly, can you grab the sugar down so I can fill up the container near the kettle?” I asked. He was slightly taller than me so he should be able to reach it. I thought to myself.

“Sure.” He stated rather flatly. He grabbed it down and handed it to me. I put it on the bench and spun around too fast. My head started to spin, my vision became blurry. I could feel my legs giving way. I waited for impact but instead I felt arms lift me back up and carry me into the lounge.

“Sit there doesn’t move I’ll get you a glass of water!” Zayn’s voice echoed in my mind. I sat completely still holding my hand to my head. Pleading that the dizzy spell would pass. I heard footsteps walking back into the room.  Zayn handed me the glass and I sipped it slowly feeling better with every sip.

“What…just…happened?” I asked having a sip in-between each word.

“Not really sure you just kind of…I don’t know…you like spun around an next thing you know you were holding your stomach like you were in pain and falling it was scary to be quite honest.” Zayn spoke softly and calmly.

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