Chapter 2

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It was abut 5:30. Although it was summer it was getting in to winter and this was a cold day. There was a slight breeze coming from the south and the boys were still sitting round the fire. I still had my jersey on and had been eyeing my bike for a good 10 minuets since Dad said we would let the famous ones stay with us the night. I got up quickly and walked over to my bike. I could go for a 20 minuet ride, let out some of the stress that had been bubbling inside since I met the boys. 

Suddenly someone touched my shoulder. I turned around to see it was Niall, "Hey, you going for a ride?" he asked, he seemed kind of nervous. "Yeah I am about to, I might check the fences and go for a ride on the motorbike track." I said calmly. "Oh yeah, cool..." he trailed off at the end, he wanted to ask something but i don't think he was sure about it. "Hey Jamie, why don't you take Niall around the property, he can ride your mothers bike." my father suggested. "uhm I'm no-" Niall cut me off "Mr.C I can't ride." Niall finished quickly. "Oh thats alright, Jamie can dink you around just as long as you go slow and put protective gear on." dad finished. Dad was looking at me with a glare that said just do it please, I rolled my eyes and said "Yeah, sure lets go find you a helmet, pants, jersey and boots." "Really?!" he replied. "Yep come on, lets go."

We made our way into the shed and i went straight over to the light switch. I flicked number three switch and the back room lit up. We walked in silence to the motorbike gear filled room. My Dad had once owned a motorbike shop, so naturally we had allot of bikes and gear. "What type of bike do you ride?" he spoke, it echoed through the room and scared the living day lights out of me. "uhm I ride the yellow Suzuki 125 out there." I pointed to the door.

I walked over to him and took off my jersey, a soft long sleeve top that stops allot of the wind when riding, I held it up to him, wondering if it would fit. Not a hope it was way to small. "Well it looks like it the next two sizes up." I said meeting his gaze, then quickly looking away. "Mmk, you the expert...why don't you like us?" he asked, it took me completely off guard. I wasn't expecting him to ask this. "What do you mean? I like you's." I turned away looking for the next size in  the wardrobe. " you don't, you don't want us here, you practically ignored all of us during dinner." shit, i wasn't hiding it good enough. "Oh i didn't mean to I'm sorry." I said turning and smiling at him, hoping it would convince him. "I let it go this time, but talk to us get to know us. You might even come to like us." He said with his flashy Irish accent and smile. I walked over and gave him the jersey, yeah that one was going to fit. I went to the pants cupboard next. "What size are your pants?" i asked. "Not sure..." he was turning this way and that trying to see the tag on his shorts.  "Come here!" I looked at him and pointed to the ground in front of me. "Turn around." well this was awkward, I found the tag at the back and looked at it. They were kinda small shorts for i guy, i thought to myself. "Alright these should fit you" I said passing him the pants "what size shoe are you?" I added. "I don't know...jeez why do you expect me to know all this stuff?" Niall was glaring at me. "Because, how else would you buy shoes and pants with out knowing your size?" I said giving him a glare back.  "I just try stuff on, If it fits, It fits." he said with a smile on his face. "Gimme your shoe." I picked up his shoe and looked at the tag on the inside. Grabbing the shift boots that should fit him perfectly. "Go in there" pointing to the little bathroom dad had installed in the shed, "and get changed, And be quick!" Pointing my finger at him. "Yes, Mam." Giving me a salute then marching into the bathroom.  I quickly grabbed my pants and boots and sat them out side of the door. i Then went to the Helmet cupboard and picked up my helmet, goggle and gloves then another set and a helmet that would fit Niall. "All done..." he walked out put his clothes on the table and did a model walk towards me striking a pose at the last minuet. It was too funny to watch, i couldn't help but laugh. "haha Your really weird." i handed him his helmet, gloves and goggles. he put them on and i walked to the  bathroom and got changed. I walked out grabbed my helmet set and helmet and put them on.

"Ready?, lets go for a ride!" I said yelling it to him because i just started the bike up. he nodded hi head and i got on. Niall got on behind me, not sure on where to put his hands. i grabbed on hand and pout it at my waist then the other. "Don't let go and hold on tight." I yelled. He nodded. I kicked it into first gear and rode off then second we rode round the paddock for a bit and then we went to my favourite part of the track. My jump. 

I had fallen off this jump many many times and broken my arm 4 times trying to do it. I had only ever managed to actually complete it once. We were there, "Get off for a second." i said turning off the bike. "Why?" he asked "Cause I'm gonna jump this" i said pointing to the jump behind me, "and make it." i turned the bike back on and rode off around the corner to get some speed. i jumped it and was about to land I puled the throttle off and glided down and made it for the second time in 3 years. Niall was standing there clapping "Wow, that was great. Can you do it again?" i asked. "I can try i don't think it will end well though. I sped off once again gaining speed, i hit the ramp of the jump and my foot slipped off the peg. Right when that happened i knew that the landing wasn't gonna be good and it wasn't. The Bike flipped sideways and i crashed with the bike on top of me and my are went crunch. It was broken. I knew it was broken because it looked retarded, that and i had massive pain shooting up my arm. i puled the bike off my to see Niall running over to help me. "Are you ok?!" he asked concern in his eyes. "Well, Oww...Apart from my broken arm I'm fine." i said trying not to cry. "We need to get you back to the others." he said. "You don't say." i said with sarcasm. "yeah i do now how are we getting there?" "You, Niall are going to, OW...don't touch my arm" shooting pain up my arm again "you are going to ride us there.I flicked the bike into second gear and held the clutch in, he got on and I got on behind him. "now slowly release the clutch and give it a little bit of throttle. he did as i asked and after one try he got it and we were riding back to the shed. i got off the bike. "Dad, get you keys we...OW...NAILL HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE TO SAY IT . ITS DEFINITELY BROKEN FONT TOUCH IT!" more pain. "Dad we have to go to hospital. "Did you try that jump again?" he asked raising his eyebrow. "Yeah, and i made it the first time, second time , as you can see not so much." I pointed to my arm. "Alright,Tori you can com with me and the rest can stay here, we will meet you back at the house." he gave mum a kiss and got in the car i walked over to the front of the car but Tori was already there. I got in the back and heard Niall yelling "Wait, I'm coming with you." "uhm..ok." i said as he opened the door.



Authors Note-

Hey Guys this is my first novel, so tell me what you think, Dont forget to comment. Don't hold back :)

Also i need a few Characters to add to this so if you could tell me a bit about yourself(likes, dislikesthat kinda stuff) I will try and add you into the story. :)

Oh, and comment if you want me to keep writting this story! if its crap tell me :)

 Thankyou <3

Follow me on twitter- @JamyLee1D

Follow me on Tumblr- jamylee1d

-JamyLee <3


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