Chapter 4- Weaponizing

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I accompany the sibling as they escort me around the supermarket, although they don't really need to, i've been here tons of times. It's strange being here when there's no people around, there's no noise from other customers and everything is free for you to take. The best thing about having the whole place to yourself is that all the necessities are here, beds, food, entertainment, although nobody is really in the mood for that kind of stuff.

I get to know Evelyn and Alan after a while and I find out a lot. Evelyn and Alan's mum was murdered near the start of the outbreak, she was a receptionist at the hospital. Evelyn is 14, Alan is 15. Evelyn is very shy and giggly, Alan more serious and straight to the point. When I try make conversation with either of them, I get quick, short replies. Something isn't right here, but I can't put my finger on it. There seems to be some sort of conflict or disagreement between them, but it's too early to pry into their lives right now, I barely know them.

Evelyn always seems to be in deep thought about something but she looks away or starts a conversation every time I begin to notice it. 

"So, who's up for some food?" says Evelyn, clearly forcing the question to break the awkward silence.

"Yeah, alright" I say. Alan says he's not hungry and goes for a walk around the store.

I like Evelyn. She has dirty blonde hair, dark brown eyes, about my height, light freckles under her eyes and most of all, an amazing smile. Alan looks strangely unlike her, with black hair, blue eyes. She was stunning. But this wasn't the time for such thoughts. 

As we walk slowly  to the food sections of the store, we talk about our lives, music, how we've felt during the outbreak, hobbies and other subjects. We try to act like things are normal, but it's quite hard. Pretending everything is fine is hard, but when we need to probe into zombie related subjects, such as weapons, how many there are, how we'll protect ourselves, how to stop them, their weaknesses, their strengths, it is just too hard. Its harder to stop my eyes meeting her's, though.

A list of what i've found out about her:

-She's a chocoholic.

-She has an amaaazing fashion sense.

-Great taste in music.

-She hates her brother.

-Her dad was on the trip with my dad.

-She's extremely frightented of the zombies.

I gasp when I hear about her dad, but I feel bad when I find out she knows nothing more about it. When I asked her opinion on the zombies and why they were here, she asked if we could change the subject. I feel bad for her, that she's really afraid of them, but it's kinda cute. I must admit though, those zombies give me the goosebumps. I might not be as afraid as her, but those things are horrible.

As we approach the cafeteria, we look around for something fresh to eat. I spot a cheese and ham sandwich and reach my hand for it. My hand touches hers. I quickly move my hand to another one, but so does she. I feel my cheeks go red and we both collapse in laughter. Wait. I'm blushing!? I NEVER BLUSH.

But yes.

It gets worse.

When we sit down to eat our sandwiches, along with a drink of Coke, our eyes keep meeting briefly, then quickly looking away.

We find alan and begin to discuss things. Alan is a bit happier now and we have to discuss this sooner or later.

'Right, we'll need weapons, barricades and we need to find out their weaknesses.' Alan says. Evelyn and I agree and we think.

'We can make weapons out of the objects in the supermarket, make a barricade out of furniture and  other things and... yeah, we can try different things out.' I say.

The siblings agree and we get to work. I am asked to do the weapons while Alan makes a barricade and Evelyn helps him. Evelyn doesn't want to find their weaknesses as she is too scared. Alan isn't too pleased about that.

I scavenge the store for things I can use to make weapons. I find a mop and finally come up with an idea. I chop the head of the mop off with the knife I gathered earlier and cut a hole in the top. I grab the hot glue gun I got from another section and use it in the hole. I then cut the handle off the hammer I got from the house and glue the head of the hammer to the mop. A sort-of sledgehammer! This should help to hurt their heads.

I think of what else works against the zombies. Hmmm. They're clumsily and have trouble righting themselves! I do the same to what I did with the mop, but with an amazingly long, sharp knife I found in the store. A scythe! Good for chopping necks, heads and legs. I shiver at the thought.

I remember Evelyn and how she is scared of the zombies, so I think of a weapon that won't involve gore. I find a lot of rope after a while and make a lasso, she can tie the zombies up without having to kill them, plus, that helps control them a bit.

I drag all three weapons back to where we decided to meet and I gasp. I look outside and notice the door has been blocked by beds, wardrobes and bedside tables. All windows have been left untouched because we need to see, but the lower down ones have been covered. I hand everyone their weapons and they smile.

'I helped out at an american ranch last summer so I know how to use this!' She says happily.

'So where were you Alan?' I ask, confuzed.

'Em... I stayed at home.' He says, throwing a threatening look to Evelyn.

Something wasn't right here...


Thank you for reading! :D Sorry if this chapter was a bit terrible, mental block. :L Please please PLEAAAASE tell friends about this and leave a comment, positive or negative. :) Bye! :D

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