Chapter 3- Fighting

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I jump when I see it and sprint down the stairs, almost falling over in fear. The thing chases me at top speed, trips and tumbles to the bottom of the stairs.

My impulsiveness kicks in, literally, I kick his head as hard as I can five times but I can see its not doing much. As he struggles to his feet, I run upstairs again and think. Movies! What happens in the movies?! The only way to stop a zombie is to hurt its head!

I hop into my room quickly and examine it. The lamp, a mug, an Xbox, a pillow, a keyboard, a plate, a sho-- THE KEYBOARD! I grab the keyboard and haul it to the top of the stairs. The zombie was almost on its feet so I take a deep breath, hold the keyboard vertically, close my eyes and drop the keyboard.

I hear the keyboard shatter and I look down, the zombie is lying flat on the stairs with pieces of keyboard on the stairs. I walk downstairs slowly and examine the corpse. The body has a massive dent in its head and its completely limp. Its horrible. A massive pool of blood rests under its head and neck. I grab the feet of the zombie and drag it into the closet at the bottom of the stairs and close it.

As I panic and begin to hyperventilate, I walk up stairs, lost in my thoughts. Are there more? Will I live? If so, should I stick together with someone? I don't know at this stage. I sit back on my bed, the T.V. still on but there are no reports yet. I grab the battery-operated radio from my bedside table and stuff in in my bag.

I climb through the window, being careful to avoid the remaining shards of glass. Normally I wouldn't do this, but since I just killed a zombie, I'm fine with it. I stop in my tracks while I think about something, These creatures, once belonged to a family. Had friends, brothers, sisters, they had a life. I think about the zombies face and what dreams and hopes he had when he was human. I sigh and continue out the window. I climb up the side of the roof and look all 360 degrees around me to check for other creatures.

I don't see any but there could be more somewhere. I sit near the chimney and take out the radio. I turn it on and listen to the voice. 

'Zombie Update- Until otherwise informed, all supermarkets and stores are to be closed until this outbreak is contained.

I sigh desperately and realise that i'll have to go NOW if I want to live. I climb off the roof and open the garage. My old rusty bike is still there from a few years ago, but in good condition. I haul it past all the other mess in there and lean it against the wall. I walk back into my house and scavenge the kitchen. I make myself a cheese and tomato toastie and eat it ravenously. I didn't realise how hungry I was!

I examine the knife rack and wonder which one I should take, there are three. A small one which would help for stabbing, a slightly bigger one and a massive one with a sharp edge. I take the last one and a hammer from the toolbox. I stuff the hammer in my bag, walk outside and lock the door. I tighten the bag onto my back and sit on the bike. I cycle towards the supermarket, Tesca and pick up the speed...

I arrive at the store around twenty minutes later and gasp. Piles of furniture and objects such as bikes and wardrobes have been piled outside the entrance. I notice that the piles could be easily traversed by humans but not zombies and I like in ingenuity of the plan. I see three zombies trying to climb the pile and I feel like crying. One looks around 3, the other around 5 and the other can't walk yet and is crawling.

I decide that I can't deal with the pain of murdering a used-to-be child and I have an idea. I sneak up on the children, who look like sibling and grab the crawling child. I toss it as far as I can in the opposite direction and clamber up the piles. The others try to chase me but are two small and zombie-like to succeed. I bang on the doors and two people around my age open the door quickly and let me in.

I walk in the supermarket and the male teenager holds a knife to my throat.

'Are you one of them?! Answer me!'

'No, no, i'm trying to get away from them!' I gasp as I struggle free.

'Who are you?' The boy asks.

'Joshua. Yourself?' I sigh.

'Alan, this is Evelyn. She's my sister.' As he points to the girl.

She smiles and waves bashfully while biting her nails. My stomach flutters and I shake their hands....

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