Chapter 2- Watching

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I grab the £10 off my bedside table and grab the house-phone. I phone the nearest taxi company and wait impatiently for it to arrive. I run upstairs to my room and grab the knife I was given from my dad. My dad died fighting a war in Afghanistan, but he left the knife to me before he died. I hear the beep of the taxi and run downstairs.

I greet taxi driver and think about what has happened. This could be the start of something amazing. Horrifying, but amazing. I pray for my mum to be alright and sit in silence and the driver does his job.

As we slow to a stop, I pay the driver, thank him and approach the crowds of reporters, riot police and photographers. As I barge throught the crowds, a man shoves me back.

'You're not allowed past here, it's not safe.' He says sternly.

'My mum is in there!' I say.

'Sorry kid, rules are, no-one is allowed past.' He says sadly.

I swear and think about what I should do. I decide to monitor the hospital with the rest of them. I run to a nearby shop and grab some coke and a packet of monster munch. I walk to the car park and examine the building. There's a huge circle of riot police stationed outside of the hospital, around every exit and entrance. Behind then, there are various reporters and family members. I hear the roar of shouting and screaming as family members argue with the police. I want to aswell, but that won't help anything.

Apart from that, I can hear a faint noise of banging. I walk to a hill near the hospital and gaze through the windows. I see them. Just people, banging and smashing on the windows to be let out. I lay on the hill for around an hour, observing the behaviour of the zombie-human things and i've finished my food. As I walk down the hill to put my rubbish in a nearby bin, I hear the screams of the people. I run to the entrance of the hospital and get as close as I can. The zombie's, they've escaped! I see the police panic and close in with the riot shields and batons, they manage to keep the things away, but they won't last long. I stay a distance away as the riot police beat the things and  keep them contained. I see one of them reach for his walkie-talkie, a voice barks out from it.

Within seconds the man screams an order and they pull out guns. I close my eyes and cover my ears. Bang after bang after bang. Mum! Jenna! They won't make it out! I didn't like Jenna, but she doesn't deserve to die! I slowly open my eyes in horror as the banging stops and the reporters and police are silent.


Nothing but horror.

The tears begin to stream down my cheek. I stare upon the mess and listen to the silence. All I see is blood and bodies in piles and piles on each other. There must be hundreds there, maybe a thousand. The man distress-fully speaks into the walkie talkies. I gaze upon the bloodshed and try to keep myself together. I wipe away the tears and try to think positively.

My mums dead, that's it. There's nothing I can do that will change that so I need to think logically. Okay, i'm sure the police will come to the house when they I.D. my mums corpse. I need to get as much money and supplies as possible and stay alive. I'll have to live on the street. I recite that last sentence in my head. I'll need to live on the street. While i'm thinking, I hear fast footsteps and gaze to where its coming from. Almost 200m away I see them, around 20 of these things running across the street and into the forest. The police man barks more orders and they run towards them.

I reach into my pockets and pull out what I have. My knife and a couple of pounds. I walk towards the bus stop and try to keep my bravery intact. I'm going to go back to my house, gather whatever I can and... I don't know. I'll cross that bridge when I come to it. From what i've learned from the creatures is, they are like on the T.V. except they can run. They have a bad hand-eye co-ordination and are confused and frightened very easily. I remember to use that to my advantage if the Outbreak ever gets serious.

The bus pulls over to the stop and I pay the man and sit down. I remember the money my mum left if there was ever an emergency. I always thought she was way too protective, but I guess she was right. I think she left  £100 and a torch. That didn't sound like much too me when she told me, but that sounds like a lot if you're living on the streets. I don't have any other family so I can't stay with them.

I walk off the bus and towards my house. Living near my house would help, but not too close as the authorities might look for me, but I need to stay in an area I know well. I open the front door and walk into my mums room. I reach under her bed and fumble for the supplies, but I find nothing. I move the bed in anger and there's nothing there.

I swear and begin to panic. What am I supposed to do? Steal? Rake bins? I calm myself down and go into the kitchen. I grab my school bag and empty the contents. I'll need it. I fill it with foods that will last long, canned foods and three bottles of water. I still can't believe this is happening. I haul the bag upstairs and switch on the T.V. There's no news channels on at the moment so I begin to watch a film.

Almost half-way through the film, I hear a familiar voice.

Breaking news-The zombies have escaped- Good evening. The 'zombies' attacked and as an act of defense, the police had to defend themselves. Their families have been informed. A remaining twenty creatures escaped into a nearby forest and have multiplied since then. Advice from the services are stay indoors, lock all windows and doors and keep yourself informed with a radio or a T.V. The local authorities have lost track of some of the zombies but are tracking them as we speak. That's all for--

The window smashes and I almost soil myself. I grab the knife and back away as the black-eyed creature approaches....

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Thanks for reading guys! :) I realise these chapters are a little small, but I rather write small chapters more often, than big chapters not often. :P :) Please, if you're reading this, try and be patient if you like it. :D Thank yooooooou. :D

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