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aaliyah's pov

After driving for a long period of time we finally arrived at my favorite food place ever.

Chick -fil - A.

" How did you know?" I exclaimed to ethan as he was parking in the parking lot.

" Know what?" he says back to me confused.

" that this is my favorite food place ever !" I said back

" I didn't but I know now"

He gets out of the car and opens it for me holding my hand so I don't end up hurting myself while getting out.

" thank you" I say to him

" you're welcome"

While we're walking to the building I grab him hand and intertwine our hands. He ends up blushing and bringing our hands to his lips to kiss mine lovingly.

God , he's so incredible.

As soon as we get to the entrance , he opens the door for me, not letting go at all.

"For my baby." He says while blushing

I laugh at his cuteness and kiss his cheek before saying thank you and waking inside while pulling him inside with me.

"So what do you want?" I ask him

"Just a chicken sandwich. What about you?"

"I'm getting a sandwich and nuggets." I respond

When it's our turn in line , we order what we want.

"Okay that will be 21.17." The cashier says

I reach in my pocket and get my wallet out.

Ethan grabs my hand and shakes his head.

" I got this lili." He hands the cashier $25 dollars and tells him to keep the change.  He grabs my hand and drags me to a booth.

" why would you do that?" I asked

" this is a date. I'm not going to let you pay for anything. I did it for you because you're worth it." He says while looking directly into my eyes.

" thank you , e." I say while blushing.

" you're welcome ." He said back.

Our food came and we ate it while getting to know each other better.

"Favorite color?" I ask him



"I just can't decide."

" you're so extra."

We end up finishing our food while closing time was coming up.

We walking out of the restaurant and saw a bowling alley across the street.

"Let's go bowl." I say to him


We go into the bowling alley , get our shoes and get ready to bowl.

" so , you should be prepared because I'm kind of the bowling queen in my hometown , Detroit ." I say to him while smirking.

" oh really?" He says while tying his shoes up.

" yes" I say back

" Well , lets see what you got after I'm done showing you how it's done."
He says while picking up a ball and throwing it down the aisle but it ended up going on the sides , not hitting any pins.

" Is that showing me how it's done?" I ask while laughing.

"Hahaha. It's your turn big shot."

I grab my ball and let out a deep breath.

I throw it down the aisle and ended up making a strike.

" that's how you do it" I tell him while wiping off my shoulder jokingly.

He just rolls his eyes.

We ended up playing for a hour while laughing and just enjoying each other's company. While all of this was going on I couldn't help but look at him and smile at him most of the night. He's so beautiful all of the time. Especially when he's happy.

" you ready to go?" He asks me

" yeah." I tell him. We take off  the bowling shoes ,  put on our regular shoes and get up to return the shoes. While walking out , I spot a photo booth in the corner of the the alley.

"Let's go take pictures!" I say while jumping up and down.

"Okay." He says smiling at me adoringly.

We walk into the the booth and I end up having to sit on his lap which I don't mind , of course.

" you ready?" He asks me while putting in the two dollars.

" yeah! " I say excitedly

We did the first pose as silly faces with me crossing my eyes and him with his tongue out.

The second pose we did was just hugging each other with big smiles on our faces.

The third pictures was of us ticking each other while laughing hard as ever.

While catching our breathes , we ended up staring at each other. He pushed a strand of my hair back.

" you're so beautiful." He whispered to me while leaning in.

I ended up leaning in too and our lips touched and moved  in sync. I felt sparks flying and butterflies in my stomach. All I could think about how soft his lips and touch were. Our hands roaming everywhere and lips smacking  was the only sound you could hear.

I never wanted this day to end.

I hear the flash go off as the kiss was getting more heated.

that ended up being the fourth and last picture.

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