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aaliyah's pov

we slowly pulled apart as soon as we heard the flash go off.

" um , I-I am s-so sor-sorr-sorry." He stuttered while looking at anything but me.

I just grabbed his face and kissed him passionately. Our lips moved in sync and fit like puzzle pieces. Everything felt right. Everything was right.

We pulled startled by my phone ringing.

I looked at the contact name and as I saw who it was ,  my heart immediately dropped.

"Damon is calling"

I declined the call and turned my phone off frantically.

"Lili are you okay? What's wrong baby?" I jumped as soon as I heard Ethan's voice and felt his hand touch my shoulder. He looked worried.

"I'm fine" I shot him a fake smile. I felt bad for lying to him but I won't burden him with my problems. He deserves better than that.

" Okay. Ready to go?" He said not looking convinced.


I got up from his lap and got out of the photo booth. He follows me out of there and grabs my hand on the way out of the bowling alley.

As soon as we got inside the car , ethan looked straight at me with a serious look on his face.

"What?" I asked him

"Where do you want to go? You said you wanted to eat before picking a destination. So , where are we headed ?"He asked while smiling

That was a good but difficult question.

where did I want to go?

There's a lot of places in the world that I want to go and to have the chance to pick where I want to go now , at this moment is a difficult decision .

While thinking for a while , a light went off inside of my head.

I smirked at myself then turned to ethan.

"I know where I want to go now."


After  driving for a long time , we finally stopped at a red light. I turned my head to look at ethan.

God , he's side profile is so beautiful.

"What?" He asked me smiling

" you're just beautiful that's all." I told him.

"Stop it" he told me blushing.

"No , I'm serious , you are one of the most beautiful people I've ever met and even though we haven't known each other for long, I can tell you have a big heart and would do anything for anybody if wanted to. Your special ethan , don't ever forget that." I said to him.

" you really think so?" He said while turning to look at me.

"Of course I do."

"That means a lot coming from you." He said to me.

I reached over grabbing him head a pecking his lips multiple times.

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