Chapter 4: Reserved

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"Mate, I thought you wouldn't make it. You were taking quite a long time." Liam states as I walked towards them in the lobby.

"Erm, yeah sorry about that. It's just that Becca came and.."

"Who came?" I hear Niall's voice ring from behind me. I turn around to take in his captivating persona. My eyes stopped scanning when they meet his. That piercing blue.. "Josh?"

"Oh, erm, Bec. She, eh, decided to pay me a visit and yeah she's in the room."

"Oh..nice. I'll, erm, be right back." He says casually and goes to talk to a crew member.

"Okay," I say softly. Liam who was preoccupied with his phone starts back up again.

"So, Josh. Did you and Bec, ya know," he says cheekily, nudging my elbow. I rolled my eyes with a smirk on my face. "You cheeky bastard, you did didn't you?"

"No Liam, Bec and I did not, you know," I replied nudging him back. He looked at me, clearly not believing a word. But the truth of the matter is that such things hadn't occurred to me. Yes, Becca and I have been intimate, but really the thought of it now hadn't crossed my mind. "Really, mate, we didn't."

"Okay, okay. Fine, if you say so." With a smile he directed his attention to his mobile.

"Okay boys, time to go."


I wonder if there's anything wrong with not thinking about having sex with Bec.

I mean, there's no doubt in my mind that I enjoy sex with women. So, wouldn't that make me bi? I mean, I still feel attracted to women... just not Bec herself. However, at this moment, right now, I'm not in love with Bec, nor any other woman, but a man. My best mate. My fellow band mate. My Niall.

As I pondered, my face was met with a couch pillow thrown at me with quite a force. "Oi, what was that for?" I turn to look at the four blokes looking ever so innocent. Finally Dan goes into a fit of laughter.

"Sorry man, but I couldn't take you seriously with the faces you were putting on." Faces?

"What faces?" I asked.

"Well, it started off as a face of confusion, like this, " he then tried to mimic me, "then one of acceptance, " he mimicked me again, "and then the last one, mate, it was priceless, wasn't it lads?" They all chuckled and nodded.

"Alright, alright. I get it, go on."

"You looked madly in love, mate." I then started to smile. "Bec must really have you in knots." Vanished, just like that.

"Erm, yeah. She's something." After a beat, my mobile rings. I turn it on to find a message.


I couldn't help but smile as I read the name of it's sender.

Niall: Hey

Me: Hi Niall.

"Is it Becca texting you?" Jon asks with a smirk. My phone rings.

"Erm, yeah. I, uh, I'm going to go to the back of the bus." I get up and make my way to my bunk.

Niall: What's goin on with you boys?

Me: Nothing much, just sitting around and talking.

Niall: Ooo talking? About what? Sounds like you lads are all about the gossiping haha xD

Me: Nothing. I mean nothing too important. Haha no no, that's not true x)

Niall: What do you mean nothing? You can't just talk about nothing. Come on, just say it.

Me: The lads and I were just talking about Becca.

Niall: Oh see that wasn't so hard. I'll text ya later the boys are doing something.

Why is he doing that? He's been acting weird since last night. Like this morning, he seemed off.

Me: Niall is everything alright?

...after a few minutes.

Me: You seem off. Like you don't want to talk to me.

Me: Niall?

I gave up after that. Seeing that I would get nowhere I decided to take a short nap before we got to rehearsals.


A/N: Hey you guys! If you waited for an update I sincerely apologise for taking this long. I kind of wasn't feeling it for awhile. And, in all honesty, I still am not up for writing a whole lot. However, I decided to write a little something for you guys because I have seen some of you add the story to a list of yours which really makes me happy. It's nothing good or lengthy and I again apologise for that. Since I've written this late I can't really finish it off, so it's going to be a two part chapter. I promise the next one will be longer. Love you guys, enjoy :) -Jenny

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