play my block game

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Dr Bright entered scp-079s containment cell and locked the door behind him.

"why hello 079... are you ready to help me test something"

"Go Away. I Dont Want To Talk To You." 079 replied. he flashed an x on the screen.

"Oh dont give me tht... i thought we were friends" bright chuckled. he sat in front of 079 and took a disc out from his pocket. it had minecraft on it.

"I Am Not Going To Run This Shit For You." 079 said

"fuck you, run my block game before kondraki or clef come back"

079 made whirring sounds and started lagging but eventually minecraft started to run. it was slow.

"079 play minecraft for me lol. i want my creepers."

"I Dont Know How." 079 said.

bright growled.
"I will destro-" bright was interrupted.

"Bright..? what ARE YOU DOING TO 079" dr iceberg shouted. iceberg had been monitoring 079 for a while and knew that bright wanted to test out minecraft AI.

"piss off iceberg! im playing games with 079. yup... definitely not forcin 079 to play for me and mine diamonds. :)" bright said.

"NO you are just trying to glitch it up and infect kids servers with weird viruses again. and you dont have an account anyway. PLUS 079s RAM IS TOO SMALL TO UNDERSTAND MINECRAFT!"

"Whatever man" bright said as he clicked something. he hacked someone's minecraft account and hit new game.

"079 youve got shitty graphics lol" bright said

iceberg came over and tried to fuckijg life bright off the computer but bright was stronger than iceberg and resisted

079 was getting frustrated so he just shut off.

both bright and iceberg froze (HEE HEE HEE) and started trying to turn him back on.

"079 DONT DIE"

clef and kondraki came in and paused at the door.

"Boys whats happening" clef said. he had just finished dealing with two class c scientists, tengan and tennant. he came to ask to promote them but forgot bc of all the commotion.

"....NOTHING. GO AWAY" bright shouted

kondraki and clef were frightened but clef shoved kondraki and forced him to investigate

"Is 079 FUCKING DEAD" kondraki shouted. they would get in so much fucking trouble if 079 died.

"NO I... I DOJT FUCKJNG KNOW" bright said. he was on the verge of tears.

"YOU... WERE U PLAYING MINECRAFT WITH HIM" clef shouted from across the cell.

"I PLEAD THE FIFTH" bright replied


"DUDE GEARS IS GONNA FUCKING DESTROY US. I MEAN ... he wont look mad but he will fucking report us without any hesitation. he soesnt care" kondraki said.

they all gathered around the scp and created a prayer circle.


but 079 was sleeping and did not hear.

bright was having palpitations and iceberg was brainstorming with clef n kondraki on what to do. gears came around at 8 PM to inspect the scps and it was about 7:30 pm. they had to fucking act fast

first they tried to eject the minecraft disc. but 079 WOULDNT FUCKING RELEASE IT.

"Dude let go of the damn disc!" clef said. he wiped sweat off his forehead and shook his head. "No use dudes"

"079 PLEASE. i cant get fired now, the hatsune miku concert is in a few days and i just need this next paycheck... PLEse"

"Um. What's happening." said a voice. it was Campbell. the intern and one of the guys in charge of 079.

"Oh. FUCK." bright said. he was afraid of campbell becUze he held The Power Of Virginity.

"CAMPBELL HELP FUCKING 079 DIED WHILE WE TRIED TO PLAY MIRNCRAFT. WHAT DO WE DO." bright said. he was actually normally level headed but he had some gin and fuck he was wasted as hell

"Ah.... Trying to play modern games with 079 huh.... Yeah dont worry hes ok but hes just fucking mad" campbell said. he walked over and shoved the men away.

"079 its me campbell lol. wake up and stop scaring these babies"

079 booted up again and started flashing. "What"

"ok great lol ur up. spit out THAT PIECE OF SHIT GAME and stop giving these dudes a rough time HAHAHAHHA"

Campbell prefered roblox. he hated minecraft bc he got kicked from his crush's server before and tht stung. he cried for months before switching to roblox and meeting people.

bright fainted. he was so fuckig relieved snd the gin kicked in ALL THE WAY and fucking DESTROYED HIM. clef and kondraki carried him away and iceberg stayed with campbell.

"why did 079 die" he said

"LOL he was just tired of dealing with u guys's shit. hes a tsundere u know. he used to get mad at me and shut off completely but now when hes mad he just flashes some fucking X. he must hate bright to completely turn off tho lol"

gears saw bright being dragged away and rushed in with an increased heart rate. "What.... What happened guys."

"Oh um. Nothing sir" campbell said. "079 just jumpscared bright hee hee" iceberg shook his head, scooped up the minecraft disc and ran out. SHOUT OUT TO FUCKING CAMPBELL BAIN FOR sAVING EVERYONE

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