Chapter 1

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I flipped through its filled pages until i found an empty page. I took out a pen from my pocket and began to fill the page, my last entry.

Dear diary,

Its been years since I filled your pages. Sorry. I became so busy with my life and you know I only write when something important happens to me. So, let me tell you something. I am ill, very ill. i have cancer and it is slowly engulfing my life. I cannot bear this disease. My hair is gone, all of them. Whenever I look myself in the mirror, I cry. I have always loved my hair. I still remember my funky hairstyles Haha. Today is the last day of my life on Earth. I don't care about myself, all i care about is my daughter. She is just 5 years old. How will she bear her mother's loss? She still doesn't know that I am havibg cancer, I never had the courage to tell her that her momma is dying. I don't want to see her cry. I don't like to see her twinkling and beautiful eyes to cry, her sweet and heart-melting smile to fade and her red cheeks to be wet with tears. She thinks I am paying visits to my doctor friend. I wonder how will she feel when she finds out that I am gone away from her forever, she was being lied to and she won't have someone to share her problems. Though, she will be living with my mother but, will she be able to cope up? I feel so cruel right now, leaving my daughter in this cold, heartless world and I can't do anything about this. I hope she forgives me.

Bye forever,


I put it aside, on top of my albums. A tear rolled down my cheeks as I wiped it with my bare hands.

"Mommy, why are you crying?" Sanjana, my daughter made a sad face as she stood at the entrance of the attic.

"Nothing, baby girl. Come here to momma." I stretched my arms out to her.

She ran towards me."Are you missing daddy?" She mumbled.

"Yes. I miss him a lot." I rested my head on her tiny shoulders.

"I miss him too." She whispered in my left ear, her voice tickling it.

"Ow!", She moaned."Your head is heavy, mommy." I laughed and lifted my head up. She sat on my lap, playing with my fingers.

"Don't worry, mommy. I am here for you." She smiled.

"I love you." I kissed on her cheek.

She wiped the spot where I had kissed her with the palm of her hand.

"I hate kisses." She pouted and forrowed her eyebrows.

I made a sad face."Not even your mommy's?" I wiped away an imaginary tear.

"Don't cry, momma.Here." She moved her cheek closer towards me, allowing me to kiss it. I kissed it and another tear fell out of my eyes.

I will miss you very much....

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