
9K 583 351

lmao this isn't edited at all but yknow

"Taehyung... Taehyung I really need to get to work."

Park Jimin giggled softly as his boyfriend nuzzled his nose into the crook of his neck, his soft hair splayed out against the white sheets of their bed. "Taehyung, I'm serious." Jimin laughed, nudging Taehyung's stomach and attempting to wiggle out of the other male's grip.

"You really don't. Just stay home." Taehyung mumbled, pressing a soft kiss to the back of Jimin's neck and pulling him in even closer. "You can stay in bed all day, I'll cook you breakfast and everything."

"If only it was that easy." Jimin breathed, gently pushing Taehyung's arms off of his waist. "I've already called in sick for my past two shifts, I really can't today." He slid out of bed despite Taehyung's whiny protests and grabby hands, bare feet hitting the cold hardwood floor. "Just go back to sleep, I'll be home in a few hours."

He leaned down, ruffling up Taehyung's hair before pressing a kiss to his forehead. "Try not to miss me too much, alright?"

"You know I always do." Taehyung muttered sleepily, reaching up and running his thumb against Jimin's cheek lovingly. "Have a good day. What do you want for dinner when you get home?"

"Surprise me." Jimin beamed, pressing a soft kiss to Taehyung's hair before he walked over to their shared closet and searched for something to wear. It didn't take long for him to settle on a pair of black jeans and one of Taehyung's sweaters. It was a cream coloured hoodie and was way too big for him, but the dress code at his work was extremely relaxed, so he knew that it would still be acceptable.

He got changed quickly, bidding Taehyung one last goodbye before he walked to the bathroom to freshen up. He figured that he was fine to go in without showering since he had one last night, choosing instead to just brush his hair and teeth. Jimin stretched in front of the mirror and let out a soft sigh when he felt some of his joints pop, drowsiness still definitely clouding his thoughts.

He was quick as he brushed the knots out of his dirty blonde hair, already behind on time since Taehyung cost him moments that he could have spent getting ready. It was fine, he decided, picking his glasses up off of the bathroom counter and putting them on before he made his way into the kitchen.

Jimin knew that he wouldn't have time to make breakfast, quickly deciding that he would just pick up a coffee from the shop next to his work.

After slipping on a beanie and a pair of shoes, he was on his way, leaving as quietly as possible so to not wake Taehyung up again. He shut the door behind him gently, checking his watch and being pleased to find that he still would make it on time if he walked quickly.

The area that him and Taehyung lived in was definitely nice, surrounded by nearby forest and locally owned shops. It wasn't as busy and bustling as the condensed inner city, something that Jimin was glad about as he walked to work each day. There had been multiple occasions when he would pass a deer on another wild animal on his journey, always quickly snapping a picture and sending it off to Taehyung.

A good deal of his walk included walking down a pathway that bordered a lush green forest, and that was the section that Jimin always enjoyed most.

Today was no different, Jimin finding happiness in watching the birds fly from tree to tree in the deep forest, leaves and branches swaying in the early morning breeze. Morning dew still dusted the grass and foliage, giving them a near mesmerizing sparkle. A smile graced Jimin's lips as he observed it, always finding time in his life to appreciate some of the smaller things.

A rustle in the bushes caught his attention, head turning to find an unexpected culprit to the noise.

The boy who crouched within the tall grass looked around Jimin's own age, the early morning sun filtering through the treetops and casting shadows against his skin. His hair, a strawberry blonde colour, messily fell against his forehead, a few haphazard strands sticking up in random pieces.

Jimin was definitely sure he had never seen him around the neighbourhood before, watching curiously as the boy picked a flower off of the ground and inspected it closely. He wore what seemed to be a white button up shirt, though it was mostly hidden by the charcoal coloured cloak that covered most of him. He dirtied his tan coloured pants as he kneeled in the dirt, the toes of his tall brown boots digging into the grass.

He was... peculiar, Jimin decided. He was definitely not somebody Jimin had seen before, because he knew that he would definitely remember it if he did. The male just didn't dress or look like anybody else who lived near by, having Jimin tilt his head to the side as he continued to observe him.

He seemed to have completely forgotten about being late to work as he watched the male smile softly at the flower, kissing the plant softly before setting it down in the basket that lay in the grass next to him. He repeated these actions a few more times until he had a few bunches of the flowers in his basket, then picking it up and standing up.

His cape extended down past his calves, dangling earrings and layered necklaces glinting in the sunlight as he closed his eyes and heaved a deep sigh.

"Morning." Jimin decided to break the silence, becoming even more confused when the male startled so much at his voice that he nearly dropped his basket. Jimin could swear that he jumped close to a foot off of the ground, head whipping dramatically into Jimin's direction with wide eyes.

"Oh, good morning." His words sounded nervous, forced even, as his hands fumbled to hide his necklaces beneath the neckline of his shirt. He hid his basket behind his back as well, foot tapping anxiously against the ground.

"Out exploring this early in the morning?" Jimin asked, choosing to ignore the strange behaviour that the male was exhibiting.

"The forest is at its most peaceful at this time." The male answered softly, gaze casted down to the ground as he spoke. "Mornings are my preference over nightime."

"I guess I see your point." Jimin nodded, agreeing as he shook a few pieces of hair out of his eyes. "Are you new around here? I don't think I've ever seen you before."

"No I-" Jimin watched confusedly as the male stopped himself short, nervously nibbling at his bottom lip. "Yes, I just moved in yesterday." He was strange obviously, but definitely not off-putting. It was the type of eccentric quirkiness that was more endearing than irritating, definitely.

Jimin chose not to speak on it, nodding slowly and raising an eyebrow.

"Alone?" The male nodded. "Well, if you get lonely mine and my partner's door is always open." He paused, watching the nervous tremble in the male's hands. "I'm Jimin."

"Jungkook." The male muttered. "My name is Jungkook." He tugged his sleeves over his hands, eyes looking anywhere except for Jimin's own. "Thank you, for the offer. I'll make sure to think about it."

"It's no problem." Jimin grinned. "Welcome to the neighbourhood."

He was so, so welcoming. He seemed so kind, so genuine.

And that is exactly what scared Jungkook the most.

here's a reference to what our witchy boy Jungkook looks like

ain't he cute :')(want more behind the scenes drawings of my witchy bois? @/silverkooks on insta is the place to be (; )

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ain't he cute :')
(want more behind the scenes drawings of my witchy bois? @/silverkooks on insta is the place to be (; )

- Charlie :)

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