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"You talked to a human? Please, please tell me that you're making that up."

Though Jungkook did live alone for the majority of the time, every so often a witchy acquaintance from Gwangju would make an appearance at Jungkook's home.

Hoseok, was his name, a fire wielding witch who was born and raised in Busan, but fled to Gwangju with his family during the slaying of witches in his hometown so long ago. He was one of Jungkook's only forms of comfort, though they only really got to meet once a year when Hoseok found it safe enough to travel down to the city.

"I'm not making it up, I promise." Jungkook sighed, dropping a few elder flowers into the boiling pot of water he had going. "I went out for my morning harvest like I always do." He reached across his workstation and picked up his jar of chamomile leaves. "I must've... I must've ventured too far to the edge of the green, I suppose." He huffed. "I really don't know how long he was watching me, I was too caught up in my own element to even notice."

"You know that you have to be more alert, Jungkook." Hoseok sighed, watching as Jungkook measured out exactly two teaspoons of the tea leaves before dropping them in the water as well. "Do you even know how dangerous it is that he now knows you dwell here? Gosh, he could end up leading others to you!"

"You worry too much." Jungkook huffed, using the end of his wand to stir the water, infusing the potion with a simple spell of relaxation as he did so. "I made up a lie and told him that I just moved in the neighbourhood next to this forest yesterday. He believed it, obviously. I'll be fine."

Hoseok groaned softly and put his head in his hands, absolutely baffled by how calm Jungkook was about the entire situation. This was the witch who's entire family was murdered by humans simply for being different from them. This was the witch who had been an orphan since eleven years old with only humans to blame for it. He should not be this calm.

"Jungkook, you and I both know that they can't be trusted here." Hoseok took off his pointed hat and set it on the wooden table in front of him, messy cherry coloured locks being revealed by his actions. "You aren't safe here, you know you aren't."

"I'm fine." Jungkook insisted, pouring the now rosy coloured liquid in a glass for Hoseok. He garnished the drink with rose petals and cinnamon sticks before sliding it over to the older witch. "I know you're worried, believe me, but Busan is where I'm meant to be. I have a certain harmony with everything in this forest, it would hurt me to leave it behind."

Hoseok picked up the glass, the rings on his fingers clinking against it.

"You really should come live with me though. Gwangju is so much more accepting of us, Jungkook." Hoseok tried. "You don't need to hide there! Everybody loves witches, they find us fascinating! People come from near and far just to see the witches there."

"If you're fine being a tourist attraction, then go for it, but that's not me." Jungkook shrugged, pouring a drink for himself as Hoseok took a sip of his own. "I haven't left this forest in nearly a decade. I don't need to, because I have everything I need here. I don't want people to find me fascinating, I don't want people to come from near and far to watch me make a potion. I'm fine on my own."

"It's more dangerous on your own." Hoseok breathed, amber coloured eyes shining in the sparse sunlight that filtered through the window. Hoseok was an older witch - not by much, only by half of a witch's year - but there was still definitely authority from him that looked over Jungkook. Hoseok looked so much more refined than Jungkook did, which probably was an effect of being an inner city witch.

His mark of a witch - more often called a 'witch's stamp' within the community - stood out proudly inked onto his collarbone, shown off proudly. Much unlike Jungkook's which was always kept hidden beneath the high collars of his shirts, even though he lived in solitude, he could never be too safe.

"You and I both know that solitude is safest for witches." Jungkook countered, raising an eyebrow as he took a sip of the drink he created. He wouldn't drink a lot, because it was a potion after all, one that relaxed the mind. He hadn't bothered to tell Hoseok that detail. "Please stop worrying about me, I know exactly how to take care of and defend myself here."

Hoseok set his glass down, a long yawn leaving his lips as Jungkook watched the effects of the potion finally kick in. He wasn't surprised, it usually only did take one mouthful.

"I'm just scared for you, Jungkook." Hoseok admitted. "Green witches are downright the most important variant, and so many of them were wiped that day. There's only two that I know of in Gwangju, and one in Seoul. You're so, so, important. You need to stay safe."

"I've heard Daegu's got quite a few." Jungkook shrugged, picking up some of the ingredients he used and walking to place them back where he got them from. "And besides, you're asking a green witch - a nature oriented witch - to move to an inner city place? Where will I get my materials? How will I connect to the earth and natural elements? There's only one in Seoul because it's basically impossible to thrive there."

"Jungkook, listen to me." Hoseok's words were drowsy, another yawn slipping past his lips.

"No, Hoseok." Jungkook shook his head, the stern look on his face seeming to end the debate there. "I do love it when you come over, but I absolutely hate it when you hound me like this."

"I'm just-" Hoseok started.

"Worried about me, I know." Jungkook finished. "But I don't need you to be. I'm not a child anymore, I haven't been, since that day. I know how harsh the world is and I know how to protect myself from it."

Hoseok's lips turned down into a deep frown, the golden chain that connected his ear and nose piercing shifting as they did so.

"What about that human though? The one that knows about you?" He asked, Jungkook immediately dismissing his fears. His violet eyes were sincere as he spoke his next words, calming Hoseok just the slightest bit.

"He won't be an issue. If he is, I'll pack up and move in with you."

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