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Busan was a very busy city.

With bustling streets and beaches that attracted tourists, it was extremely easy to let your head get lost in the cloud of commotion that looked over everybody. It was very easy to forget to listen to the sound of the waves every now and then, and basically second nature to not pay attention to the musical sounds that the birds created.

Forgetting about nature is so simple, if you're just a human living your day to day life.

However, in one of the more rural areas of Busan there is one person who hasn't forgotten the whistle of the morning dove, or the sparkle of the midnight dew drops. There is just one person dwelling within the deepest depths of the forest, surrounding himself with all of the amenities that are provided naturally. Not asking more of the earth than he truly needed to, simply grateful of everything he was already given

Though, he isn't really a person at all. He looks like one, speaks like one, acts like one (most of the time) and wouldn't exactly stand out if he decided to venture into the general public, but he harbours abilities that just aren't in the realm of 'human'.

Jeon Jungkook was Busan's last standing witch, hidden in solitude, and hasn't seen a human being in almost a full decade.


Nimble fingers plucked each petal off of a moonflower, trained hands making sure not to mar the pure white petals in anyway.

"Five moonflower petals - done." Jungkook dropped the remains of the plant he just harvested into the metal pot in front of him, humming softly as he worked in the comfort of his forest shrouded home. He was hidden from society, a moss and vine covered lump that nobody had even bothered to look for, too occupied with their everyday lives to care all that much to.

Jungkook was what his community would classify as a 'green witch', thriving within nature and celebrating all of the free gifts that Mother Nature had blessed them with. He spent his days meticulously growing and harvesting an array of plants, using them for potions and medications for one day when he finally had somebody to share them with.

That 'one day' didn't seem to be coming soon though.

He was alone, so alone, but he wasn't lonely. There was a distinct difference. One, was a longing for something else, a plead for company. The other, was contentment. Being completely fine with having nobody to share a space with, absolutely happy alone. Jungkook had lived alone for nearly ten years, he was completely accustomed to a life of solitude.

Jungkook brushed a few strawberry blonde pieces of hair out of his eyes and adjusted his pointed hat, before moving to look for the next ingredient for the potion he was working so meticulously on. He wasn't always the only witch in Busan; there actually used to be an abundance, so much to the point where the witch population and human population were equal. Though that may be seen as a good thing, it definitely wasn't. It created an incredibly dangerous environment.

For witches, safety definitely doesn't come in numbers. More witches meant more opportunities for magical exposure and slip ups. Inevitably, those things did happen, and the human population found witches to be an undeniable threat. According to the government, being able to use witchcraft meant having an unfair advantage over regular citizens - a dangerous advantage at that. Witchcraft very quickly became something that just wasn't something that was going to fly with non-magic using community.

The result of the decision was absolutely catastrophic for the witch community in Busan. Anybody even just suspected of being one was murdered in cold blood and stripped of all of the materials they may have had on them at the time - have it be spell books or anything else of the sort. Witches just weren't seen as people anymore. The clouded lenses that the human population looked at them through painted them as absolute monsters that needed to be wiped out.

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