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Blood, blood was everywhere. A black-tabby started running towards me. I started running as fast as my little legs could carry me. I ran and ran it felt like forever untill I tripped over a rock. "Eeeee" I hissed. I looked back at my paws and all i had was a scratch. 

The figure was still running towards me and it didnt stop. It ran through me. The figure yelled a battle cry ,soon there was more figures come I didn't stand up. I was to scared.

I finally got the courge to look behind me and what I saw horrifed me. Blood, Blood,and dead cats. One cat formed in front of me. It whisperd loud enogh for me to hear it it said, "The forset will die and everyone with it".

Than the seen changed to a forest fire. A lot of cats were on fire and running aroud hissing. I saw some that were traped in the fire. I was only a kit, so I sat there horrified. 

The seen changed the last time this time it showed a clan. This wasn't one of the four clans. "Was it possible for a fith clan to rise". Three cats came up they were chanded up tight. The leader I think came down and killed them out.

That was when I heard someone saying "Mistykit, Mistykit wake up moms gonna let us explore".

Thats when it ended.

The Mystery: Mistypaw the Medicine cats apprentice #BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now