Chapter 8

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The next few moons were easy, and I was learning everything about herbs I could. Today was my medicine cat naming ceremony. I felt like I was explode.

Me and LeafSpring were going to the highstone to tell the clan my news.

"All cats old enough to cat there own pray go to highstone for a clan meting" FernStar yelled. "LeafSpring and Mistypaw have something to tell you all".

"Mistypaw has finally learned everything she needs from me so were going to the Moonpool with the other medicine cats" LeafSpring said.

Everyone cheered.

"We are leaving now" LeafSpring said. We ran out of camp and ran up with the medicine cats.

"Hello" LeafSpring and me said.

"Hello LeafSpring and little one, what do you need us for" a red tabby asked. "My names Mistypaw" I said.

"Ah, your apprentice naming ceremony, I guess" the red tabby guessed. I nodded.

"Let me say our names first" LeafSpring said. We all nodded.

"I'm FlowerNose".

"I'm HollyHope".

"I'm DarkStripe".

"Lets go inside now" LeafSpring said. We all said.

"I, LeafSpring, medicine cat of SpringClan, call upon my warrior ancestors to look down on the apprentice". "She has trained hard to understand the ways of a medicine cat, and with your help she will serve her clans for many moons".

"Mistypaw, do you promise to uphold the ways of a medicine cat, to stand apart from rivalry between clan and clan and to protect all cats equally, even at the cost of your life"?

"I do" I said

"Then by the powers of StarClan I give you your true name as a medicine cat". "Mistypaw, from this moment you will be know as MistyMoon". "StarClan honors your kindness and we welcome you as a full medicine cat of SpringClan".

LeafSpring rested her nuzzle on my head and I licked her shoulder.

MistyMoon! MistyMoon! MistyMoon!

For moons, we all forgot about the prophesies. I forgot about it too, but I did not expect this to happen.

~Book ended~ Watch out for book two! The next book will be longer!

The Mystery: Mistypaw the Medicine cats apprentice #BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now