Chapter two

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Previous on Chapter one
"Can we please just get back on topic about the galra attacking earth and my dad please" I asked
"Uh..sure thing Pidge" Allura said
Now on to the story.
" what just happened?" Lance whispered his boyfriend.
" I have know idea, do you know what just happened, Hunk?" Keith asked still whispering.
"No idea, but it seems Pidge is upset that she's the only one being scolded by Shiro. But we all know why he only scolds her don't we?" Hunk said.
" Yeah it is SO obvious that Shiro has a crush on her. I feel bad for him, Pidge is oblivious to it even though she appreciates what he does for her but she does not like to be treated like a child. I am surprised that Shiro hasn't learned that yet, even three years ago she hated being treated like a child." Lance said.
" Wow we have been in space for three years, we all have grown up so much since then." Hunk said/ kinda yelled making everyone look at the three.
Pidge yelled at them." You need to pay attention because this fight will be the fight of wether we win or lose the war! Keith when is your next mission with the Blade of Mamora?
"Sorry and in two days Pidge, why?" Keith said
" If you were listening to the plan you would know! We need to stop Zarkon before he gets into Earth's solar system. We are the first line of defense if Zarkon makes it past us then the Blade will be the second line of defense right next to Saturn. If Zarkon makes it past the blade then The blade, Voltron and the rebels will meet up on Earth. The rebels will already be there warning the people on Earth and getting the military ready for war. We will be on Earth 1 month before this all goes down, unfortunately there will be no time to visit our families, but we have about a month to catch up with our families, until then we will be training until we can't train anymore. After we finish our 'vacation' then we will head to the planet Bismuth to free Commander Holt and freeing all the planets that the galra have enslaved. Understand?" Shiro said in his Stern and commanding voice. " The only breaks we will be taking is for food, sleep, or if Pidge and Matt are needed to help fix the castle."
" Sorry Shiro but Matt, and me will not be sleeping anytime soon." Pidge said giving Shiro a Go to hell look because of the fight early.
"Why will you guys not be sleeping?" Shiro asked.
"Well we have to make modifications to the lions and the castle, we have to put more levels on the training deck, upgrade the communication in our helmets, we have to upgrade all the modifications I made to the lions and the castle, update our armour and bayards. Should I continue or do you get the idea?" Pidge said while counting on her fingers." And that will take about two and a half months and that's while training." Pidge said smirking up at Shiro, knowing she just won this agurement.
"*Sigh* Pidge it is unhealthy to not sleep, you too Matt." Shiro said.
"You should take your own advice Shiro." Pidge said.
"Pidge DON'T go there!" Shiro growled at her.
"Shiro you still treat me as a child like you did three years ago. I am seventeen, Shiro, I am not a little girl who needs protecting. You are an amazing leader, Shiro, you are more then just a leader or a friend to me. You have been there for me since the beginning of Voltron, but you still treat me as a child. If I was a child would I have snuck into the Garrison to hack the computers to find out what happened to the missing members of the Kerberos mission, or pulled a mulan to get in the Garrison, have an IQ higher than a highschooler, or go into space at the age fourteen, help defeat aliens who control the universe, or understand technology so advanced. Shiro I am not a child anymore, you have to understand that. You know that I would follow to the ends of time but you have stop treating like a child and believe in me and my abilities, just like I do. So far you kept all your promises you made to me, but you need to stop treating me like a child. Your overprotective of me and you are by me when I need to you most. You are the only person I allow Katie to come out." Pidge said with tears in the corners of her eyes.
"Pidge I..I am sorry I never thought you would feel that way, but I am only looking out for you. I just want you to be safe." Shiro said hoping that she would forgive him.
"It is fine Shiro but please stop treating me like child. I am capable of making decisions on my own." Pidge said with tears running down her cheeks. Shiro suddenly pulled her into a hug and they both fell onto the floor, as Shiro let Pidge cry in his chest.
With everyone else!
"Umm......what just happened?" Lance obviously confused.
"I honestly have no idea." Keith said with a very confused look on his face along with everyone.
Back to Shidge! 😍😍😍
"I am so sorry." Shiro said
" is o..ok S..shiro." Pidge said after she stopped crying. "And I am sorry too."
"You have nothing to be sorry about. The only reason I treat you like a child is because you mean the world to me, I just want to protect you, to take care of you and be there when you need me most." Shiro said.
Back to everyone else

"What are we going to do about my dad?" Matt asked still questioning Pidge's outburst.

"We can't afford to get him until after we prevent the Galra from attacking and enslaving Earth. If we don't protect Earth then your home planet will fall just like mine did so many years ago, and I refuse to let that happen to my paladins' home planet." Allura said with a stern voice.  "I understand you want to find your father Matthew, but for Earth's sake and everyone fighting this war's sake,  you will have to wait. Even Pidge understands that and trust me she never gave up hope to find you two, even after all the dead ends she run into, she kept pushing forward because she knew that she will end up seeing you guys, even if it seemed impossible. I am actually surprised that she handled herself so well. From experience I know the Holts are very strong and very hard to  break. So trust me as soon as we save Earth, Pidge will be heading to go find him.  She is pretty.. uh..what's the word I am looking for?"

"Headstrong, smart, stubborn, sleep deprived, hard worker, over achiever, perfectionist, inventor, strong, short, incredible, scary at times, heart of Voltron, a hater, a lover, independent, caring, sweet as long as you don't touch her stuff, a little sister, a protector, clever, young, little helper, gentle, prankster, devil, treats you like you belong, hides behind a mask, tomboy, unique, locks away feelings, fast, flexible, violent, fighter, cute, tech genius,  green paladin, a daughter and many more. I can keep on going but I won't." Lance said casually.

"............" "um Lance how did you that I hide behind a mask and that I lock away my feelings? I keep that stuff in my dairy." Pidge asked slightly concerned. 

"Quiznack!!!! I said that out loud didn't I? Lance said with a face that said I messed up bad.

"Yeah, you kinda did. If you read my dairy, I can promise that your life is about become hellish." Pidge said with an angry tone.

"I only assumed that you hide behind a mask, and that you lock away your feelings. Hehe, yeah that's it." Lance said slightly scared of what Pidge is going to do to him.

"You're lying to me but I'll let it slide because I am in a good mood, but only this once. Am I clear Lance McClain and as long as you end up telling me what you know." Pidge said as she was not in the mood to deal with him. Lance came up to her and whispered

" I know you have a crush on Shiro, but then again it is pretty obvious that you do. And that is it I promise you." Lance said gently, hoping not to make her mad more than she already is.

"How about we head to bed before we have training. It is nearly five o'clock in the morning and knowing you guys, you will probably won't be able to stay up much longer and before I rip Lance to pieces for reading my diary." Pidge said in a stern voice. "Don't worry Shiro I will be going to bed too, I am pretty tired right now. Night love you guys." Pidge said as she walked off. Soon everyone else walked to their rooms after saying goodnight.

To Be Continued


I am soo sorry this is late. It oringinally was supposed to be out a while ago, but my phone broke so yeah. Thank you for waiting.


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