Chapter 1: Am I Dreaming?

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Chapter 1: Am I Dreaming?

"O.M.G! Girls, Brooklyn Beckham is in town!" followed by defeaning screams from those annoying fangirls.

Brooklyn Beckham. The talk of the month. The son of the handsome former soccer player. The son of a famous designer. Damn, that guy has it all. The money. The fame. I bet everything he asks for would be in front of him before he could even say it. It bothers me big time that he can get it when here I am, working my ass off just to get money to pay for my school bills.

I'm young. 16, but already working on my Aunt's small diner. She didn't give me the job at first but no one can stop me from doing it anyway. She felt sorry, luckily, and gave me a job.

Every weekdays, I'd work from 3:30 PM to 9:00 PM and would sometimes extend if I can. My mom is against it. But I have 5 siblings, 4 girls and 1 boy, (me being the youngest) who are in college and doesn't have much time to work for themselves. They do work but you know college. We all support each and I'm proud of my siblings.

But three of them graduated and had to move away to look for a job, that leaves me with 2 of them. Another thing happened, one of my sister got pregnant and we had to support her. Her boyfriend didn't leave her, luckily, and joined one of my sister's home. Since our Dad passed away since I was a year old, my brother is the only guy left in our house.

"Is that all for today?" I reached the counter and placed the dishes with no more people around to serve.

"Yep," Mary, my Aunt and the owner, answered whilst she counted the money we earned for today and did her usual routine every time the diner closes.

After cleaning up and closing the diner for good, I headed home. The night was still young and people still loitered the streets. All of them blabbing about the Beckhams in town. I wasn't surprised. Our town is not that big, not small either but enough to be not exactly crowded like the cities. Our town is quite peaceful and quiet. Maybe that is why the Beckham's decided to stay here for a serene environment. Good luck to them, rumors travel fast and people here gets over excited.

Mom knew about the Beckhams in town and told me not to be like the other girls who calls themselves fan. Kind of ironic since I'm a fangirl myself. But not to the Beckhams like my brother who is quite obsessed with David Beckham and tries to copy his haircut every time. The house felt a little lonely since I was used to having 5 siblings running around the house like 5-year-olds. I guess I got to get used to this.

"Sydney! Hurry up if you don't wanna get fired from your job," Mom yelled from downstairs whilst I tried figuring out a good and comfortable outfit to wear. This part of the day, the figuring out what to wear, is always what slows me down.

Ten minutes passed before I could finally wear the outfit I wanted. Nothing special. A Nirvana shirt-although I think this shirt is special- a pair of pants and some old brown boots. Hurrying to go downstairs, my brother, Ivan, was there in time to catch up with me.

"Yo, sister-oh," he greeted.

I was about to consider this day as normal, but Ivan's outfit was not normal. Usually every morning he would go with baggy pants and some sleeveless shirts that looks like it has been with him for years. But right now he joins me in my morning routine with a pretty decent outfit.

"Tell me, my dear brother, are you on drugs?" I questioned, not even joking.

He gave me a look that I could properly read. "I've quit drugs since I was 15," he joked, but earned an "is that true?" glare from Mom.

"Hope you don't mind me asking but.. What are you wearing?"

"Clothes! I'm preparing for the Beckham's arrival," he confessed.

I tried hiding a playful grin by nodding. I greeted Mom with a kiss on the cheek as she busied herself with Candy Crush. Ivan poked one sausage with a pork and ate it whole before leaving.

"I'm not surprised," Mom muttered, still playing.

Chuckling, I ate most of the sausages knowing that Ivan won't eat it anyway. It's the second week of summer and all of my plans included working. Truthfully, all of my plans for this summer is just working. Most of my friends are out of town for their own vacation so that leaves me here.

Well, except Julie. We both work in my Aunt's diner and she's one of the closest friend I have. Sweet and charming, and a people pleaser. That is Julie. We walked to work together since it's just near.

"So, are you going to stalk the Beckham?"

"No," I answered incredulously. That would be ridiculous.

"Bummer. We could drool over Brooklyn or David, you know."

"Oh, my brother's already on it," I chuckled.

A loud squealing followed and there, we saw Victoria Beckham and Brooklyn Beckham walking together. Victoria was gorgeous and I swear she looked like a doll. And Brooklyn, well, I didn't really see him well once the girls started flooding by his side for autographs and pictures. And that includes Julie.

"C'mon, Sydney! Aren't you gonna join?"

"What? Those people are already harrassing their privacy," I declared. It was the truth, the Beckhams want peace and quiet and it looks like they're not getting it. "I don't want to be one of those."

"Fine. I'm gonna go check them out!" And she disappeared.

"Julie! We got work to do, darn it!" She didn't come back anyway so why bother diving into that crowd just to find that blonde girl.

I went to work without Julie with me and I admit, it was heavier. I tried covering for her but Aunt Mary was stressed too. The day went by with all the Beckham as the topic of the talk. Some says that Brooklyn and his brothers would be out and roam the town and even visit this diner. Of course, they're the sons of famous people and I got excited. But tiredness took over me. For now I wanted sleep. I want the presence of my comforting bed under me. Curse Julie for leaving me behind.

Once I was in bed, the relaxation that my body thirsted put me to sleep. Although it wasn't a good sleep. It's not comfortable sleeping in a pair of jeans.

My body was aching a little bit and all I wanted was to lie down on my bed. But then the jeans are hugging my legs it's hard to move. Without any other choice, I stood up groggily inside the darkness and reached my hands out to find the switch, still half asleep. My hands traced the wall, and then found the switch. I turned it on and the light surprised my eyes making me squint.

Now to my closet.

I turned around to find my closet but instead, my body collided into... Another body? Sleep had me to stay quiet, expecting this to be a dream. I looked up from the chest to the face of a boy. "Brooklyn Beckham?" I questioned myself. "Am I dreaming?"

He looked surprised too, like he didn't know what to do and didn't expect me to be there. But damn, he's cute. His hair reminds me of a whip cream. I don't know why but it does. Brown whip cream. Chocolate flavored whip cream. Yeah, chocolate. Or maybe coffee. No, maybe cookies and cream. Wait, I'm just craving for cookies and cream.

I studied him more. His hands are whipped away from me, like he's sneaking around before I bumped into him. And his eyes are gorgeous. Damn. And his chest- Wait, why would Brooklyn Beckham sneak inside my dreams? What if this is true?

He must have read my expression and was quick enough to cover my mouth before I could wake anyone up. He hushed me, leaning a little too close for my liking, "Shut up and help me hide."

And I'm picking up a cute little accent.

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