Chapter 26

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Chapter 26:

Waterfly's P.O.V:

Tigerstar attacked Waterfly. She was flung inside the den and she fell heavily on her side. She groaned and stood up again, raising her paws to shoot a water ball at Tigerstar but he was too fast. He charged into her again and pinned her beneath his deadly long claws.

"That was too easy." he smirked and bared his blood-stained teeth. Waterfly cringed in fear.

A yowl sounded outside the medicine den and Tigerstar looked up. He let Waterfly go and hissed. "I'll be back!" before dashing out of the den and into the heart of the battlinf cats.

Waterfly shook her head and saw Nutwhisker staring at her in shock. "Who was that?"


Nutwhisker gasped. "From the stories?! But you always said they weren't real!!"

"Well, start believing because the stories are becoming rea life." Waterfly muttered and pelted out of the den to join the fight.


Skystar's P.O.V:

Skystar stood up from Silversplash and bared her teeth threateningly at a Dark forest cat who intruded in her den. He leapt at her and Skystar dodged, counter-attacking and summoning a vine to wrap him up.

She left her den once the rogue was secured in the vine and gazed at her fighting clan from her tree. She felt her hope plummet as she watched her clan mates. They were losing.

Suddenly large dark tabby, Skystar realised he was Tigerstar, yowled. "Dark forest warriors!! Back home now!"

The Dark forest warriors fled but a few stayed behind. Skystar saw Moonclaw trot up to Tigerstar and stand beside him. Fluffystream stared up at Skystar with regret in his eyes and limped over to Tigerstar to stand on his other side.

Skystar stared in disbelief. Fluffystream joined the Dark forest?!

A large white she cat stood beside Fluffystream, a large grin plastered on her face. A black tom, Night, joined them as well. Skystar wondered what they were doing.

Moonclaw spat, "Come down here, Skystar. So we can shred you!!"

Tigerstar snarled at Skystar's father. "Silence! I will do the talking." He turned his broad head and set his firey amber gaze on Skystar. "I dare you to a fight. Pick your apponent."

Skystar hissed. "That is no way to fight! Let me fight honorably!" but she jumped down the Hightree anyway and stared at Tigerstar.

She felt her clanmates' pelts against hers as they gathered around her. Every cat bore at least one ugly claw wound or bite.

Tigerstar lifted his head and grinned. "Of course. Attack!!" he yowled.

Lightclan surged forwards.

The remaining Dark forest cats met the Lightclan cats head on.

Skystar went straight for Moonclaw. She head-butted him and sent him staggering. She shot thorns into his pelt and clawed viciously at his muzzle. He retaliated by jabbing his paw in her neck with sheathed claws. He then bunched up his muscles and jumped over Skystar, landing behind her. He scored his claws down her flank and Skystar grunted as she turned around to face her father. But he ducked under her and slid below her, raking his thorn sharp claws down her belly.

Skystar tried to sit on him but he slid out behind her just in time and she hit bare ground. She whirled around and battered his ears, catching the tips in her claws.

Moonclaw sneered, "You'll have to fight better than that to beat me!!"

Skystar hissed, "I plan to." she lunged for Moonclaw and raked her claws across his shoulder, drawing blood. She leapt onto his back and grabbed onto his scruff with her teeth. He shook her off and she fell on her injured paw again. She growled in frustration and stood up again, trying to forget the nagging pain in her now swollen paw.

Moonclaw saw his chance and lunged at Skystar. He bit down on her throat and she felt him hit her jugular. She made a wheezing sound before letting blackness take over.


Silversplash's P.O.V:

Silversplash woke up to Fighting. She leapt out of Skystar's den and gazed at the fighting cats below her. She saw Skystar fighting bravely against Moonclaw and Clearlight battering at Night. Waterfly was lying on the ground, spitting curses at Stolenwhisp as she extracted her powers as well.

Tigerstar stood beside Fluffystream. Silversplash felt her neck fur bristle. That traitor!! She dived down the Hightree and plunged toward Tigerstar and Fluffystream. As she reached them, Fluffystream gave her a small smile and arched his back, turning on Tigerstar with a loud hiss.

Tigerstar narrowed his amber eyes. "What are you doing Fluffystream?"

Fluffystream hissed, "Staying loyal to my clan!"

"But you chose to join my army!!" Tigerstar snarled and didn't wait for Fluffystream's reply. He dug his claws into Fluffystream's neck. Silversplash dived at Tigerstar and hooked her claws into his shoulder, pulling him off Fluffystream. He turned on Silversplash and swiped at her. She dodged his quick blows and landed a few of her own.

She hit Tigerstar's eye with her paw and he hissed in pain. His eye now shut. He lunged for Silversplash but Fluffystream pulled him away. Silversplash saw his neck bleeding heavily from his neck wound and she meowed. "Get that wound to stop bleeding! I've got it covered!!"

Fluffystream reluctantly ran into the medicine den.

Silversplash watched him go and then charged at Tigerstar. He snarled angrily and batted her away. She tried again and again before finally landing a neat and hard blow on his forehead. He staggered and Silversplash latched onto his neck with her jaws. He made a weird gurgling sound before slumping to the floor, dead.


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