Chapter eighteen

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Summer vacation was over. Another whole semester in school. The atmosphere was the complete opposite of ebullient, the students walking looked like zombies. They air was dense, and so were the people. Ayumi stumbled on her way to her locker, sighing in appointment's.

Tora walked by and greeted her friend with a 'morning', as she pushed her out of the way.

"Hah, Ayumi seem's like Kise has a new girlfriend." She mocked, adjusting her curly long locks to the side of her head. She opened her locker and pulled out her stuff. Giving herself one last check in the mirror, she closed her locker door. Ayumi store at Tora, someone she use to be close to..but now she's just a plastic. ((a.n: mean girls reference yAAsSSSsssssS.))

She had just realized what Tora had just said, she snapped back to reality and got ready for her first period. She reluctantly stomped her foot, entering the classroom. Sitting at the back corner she saw Akashi sitting in his usual seat alone.

"Good Morning Akashi, how are you today?" Ayumi asked.

"I'm doing fine, thank you for asking." Akashi said with a smug face.

"Glad you're all good." She said, looking down at his Shoji board.

"Want to play?" He offered.

"Sure." Ayumi answered, grabbing a chair and sitting down.

Click, the Shoji piece went, as it made contact with the board. Akashi looked at Ayumi with a glare.

"I win." He stated triumphantly, with a smug look on his face.

"Stating the obvious," Ayumi muttered quietly, making sure the red headed boy didn't hear. She smiled and left the table, she was welcomed by a few of her classmates. She plonked herself down onto her desk and started to doodle, until her phone vibrated. She checked it and it was a text message from her current boyfriend, Kise Ryouta.


Kise: Sorry Sazuki, Tora loves me and she's pretty hot. It's goodbye then. Lol don't talk to me anymore. It's over

Catchya later, ex.


Ayumi licked her lips and demanded silence in her head. She closed her eyes and felt glum. A small tear trickled down her face as she quickly wiped it off.

"But why? We were so happy." She querulously whispered, tucking a small strand of hair behind her ear. She could feel anger boiling inside of her.


Ayumi: Thank you, it was nice spending time with you. You thief of hearts.


Ayumi texted back, suddenly Akashi was in front of her. He looked down at what she was doing. Ayumi quickly fiddled with her fingers as her eyes as rancor ran through her blood. She let out a small cry and excused herself from the class room.

She bumped into someone she never wanted to see in a million years. Aiko.

"What the hell Ayumi." Aiko said, she looked at Ayumi's face and smirked. "Crying?" "Haha." She laughed in amusement.

"Kise got a new girlfriend and broke up with you, darl." Aiko accused.

"I mean who would want to go out with that?" She questioned pointing at Ayumi and inspecting all her flaws from head to toe.

Ayumi continued to run down the narrow hallway, and made her way to the bathroom. She washed her face, and entered the gym. She saw a few basketballs and picked one up.

"I can't play anymore, not like I could." Ayumi muttered, dribbling the ball. She checked her watch and sighed, she sat down on the middle of the court and saw a tall pale and muscular guy walking into the gym.

"Greetings," She greeted him with a sly smile, Eikichi Nebuya.

"Yo," He said, eating a burger.

"Whatcha doing here?" He asked, with his feminine voice.

"You should be in class." He added.

"I just need a break from life." Ayumi replied, looking down at her shoes.

"I see." The man replied, picking up a basketball and throwing it at Ayumi's head.

"Ow." She screamed, rubbing her nose. ((A.N IT HAPPENED TO ME TODAY *RUBS NOSE CONTINUALLY*))

"You were spacing out," Eikichi said, as his eyelashes fluttered when he blinked.

"Baka." Ayumi muttered, she stood up and left the gym. Taking a tour around the school, she finally decided to walk to the sick bay. She told the teacher she felt sick and rested there for an hour or so, then she got up and went to class.

"Oh, so 'it' is back?" Aiko mocked, looking at Ayumi. She felt self conscious as hell due to half of the class looking at her.

"Look Aiko, of you have nothing nice to say don't say anything at all." Ayumi defended losing her patience.

"Okay okay." Aiko replied, chuckling in a mocking way.

The teacher walked into the room and settled the class down, whispers soon died down as well. "Okay class we have a new student," The teacher introduced. "Chijuro Akashi." Whispers started again, than gradually people started to talk.

"Akashi? could it be Akashi's sister?"

"Oh she must be hot like Akashi."

"The emperors sister? hahaha she must be demanding."

"Shut up and let me introduce myself, suckers." Chijuro spoke with a loud voice. "Chijuro Akashi, sister of Akashi Seijuro nice to meet y'all." She greeted, sighing.

Akashi shot her sister a glare while typing up some information on his tablet, he then quickly returned back to typing.

She walked up to Ayumi and shot her a smile, Ayumi smiled back, weakly.

"Whats up?" Chijuro muttered, glaring at Ayumi.

"Relationship problems." She whispered back, wiping a few dry tears away from her eyes.


Soon class was over so the two friends headed out to lunch break, Chijuro kept guard of Ayumi and protected her from any unwanted people.

"How is Akashi? Is his fever better?" Ayumi asked out of the blue. ((a.n; Another Kuroko moment oh the feels.))

"Yes he is actually feeling great especially after he came and intruded my house," Chijuro replied rolling her crimson red eyes, she bit into her pork fluff sandwich ((A.n: lol pork fluff? idek lol I'm annoying you guys soz lol okay I'll stop loling lol.)) and made a face.

"Look Ayumi shut up and get over that annoying damn model." Chijuro demanded with absolute power in her voice, looking down at the sad girl.

"But I wasn't talking," Ayumi whimpered back, blinking innocently. Chijuro chuckled, flicking Ayumi on the head. "Ow." She squealed a little too high pitched.

Then Akashi walked up toward the table and looked at the two.

"Ayumi please smile, it breaks my heart to see you like this." He frowned and looked down onto his shoes.


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