Lori’s POV
After depositing Zac in front of Will’s condo and ringing the doorbell, I raced up the stairs to Aunt C’s. She was waiting for me as I flung the door open and started toward the bedroom I was staying in. Aunt Cynthia seemed startled by my appearance; mascara running down my cheeks and puffy eyes, I’m sure I looked a mess. She quickly followed me to the bedroom, but I locked the door before she could enter.
“Lori? Lori!” she called urgently as she pounded on the door. “What’s wrong, honey?” The concern behind her words sparked a fresh wave of tears.
“I’m going home!” I screamed. I dove into my bed, burying my face into the pillow.
“You are home, Lori,” she stated, confused by my words.
“My real home! In California! I don’t want to be here anymore!!” She was silent at my words for a few minutes before trying again.
“Sweety, open up. Talk to me. Please? Did something happen at the party??” She seemed to get nervous as her thoughts ran wild.
“NOOOOO!!!! GO AWAYYY!!!” I yelled, annoyed by her presence, but she was persistent.
“Lori! Tell me what happened? Open the door! Everything will be okay. We’ll figure it out, I promise!” she pleaded.
“I HATE IT HERE!!! I’M GOING HOME!!!” I got up and furiously started throwing all my clothing from the closet into a duffel bag. I proceeded to do the same with everything in the drawers. “EVERYTHING’S NOT GOING TO BE OKAY!! MY DAD DIED!!! HE’S DEAD!! HOW CAN YOU FIX THAT!?? HOW???” I exclaimed.
The lawyer in her tried the diplomatic tactic when I wouldn’t listen. “I know you miss him. But running away is not going to solve anything, Lorraine.” She continued calmly, “And your dad wanted you here. With me. Doesn’t that count for something? Doesn’t his opinion matter?” Her voice was trembling by the end.
“Well, he was wrong,” I replied as calmly as possible. “He made the wrong choice by sending me here.”
Aunt Cynthia refused to listen. “Lori, where will you go? You’re just a child!” she reasoned. She was right. I had nowhere to go. The only person I could turn to was dead.
Her words stuck a nerve in me. I immediately stopped packing and collapsed onto the floor. I cried, drowning out her voice completely as she continued to plead with me. After a few moments, I felt warm arms embrace me. I looked up at the sad face of my aunt. “You don’t have to go through this by yourself, sweetheart. I’m here for you. Always,” she whispered to me.
And for the rest of the night, we cried together. United. The only family the other had left.
* * *
The next morning, I woke up to find a head laying on my stomach and an ache in my back. As the events of yesterday came back to me, I realized that Aunt Cynthia and I had fallen asleep on my bedroom floor a few hours ago after we cried all the tears we could muster.
“Aunt Cynthia,” I whispered as I shook her awake. “Cynthia...” After mere seconds of my effort, Aunt Cynthia started to stir.
“Good morning, Lori,” she greeted. I wouldn’t associate the word good with this morning, but she needn’t suffer.
“’Morning,” I responded simply. I hoped that she wouldn’t bring up last night and ask me what happened. That wasn’t an experience I wanted to relive.
“So, you want some breakfast? I’ll make waffles!” Without waiting for a response, she quickly jumped up and exited my room. Well, at least she hadn’t tried to talk. But I just knew it was coming.
After taking my time in the bathroom (I looked hideous in the morning and going to sleep while crying on the floor did not help!), I followed my nose to the kitchen, where my dear aunt awaited. She smiled kindly at me as I took a seat in front of her before passing me a plate of chocolate chip waffles. My favorite!
I finished my first waffle before she broached the subject. “So, you wanna tell me what happened last night?” She phrased it like a question, but I knew that I had no choice but to tell her.
“Long story short: Zac got drunk and told me that Wes is a player. And he most likely just wants me to satisfy his manly desires.” My eyes glossed over with tears as I told her. I kept it short and to the point. That’s the only way I could keep from crying.
Immediately, pity took over Auntie Cynthia’s face. “Oh, honey, I’m so sorry,” she said in a comforting tone. “I really thought that he’d changed for you.” And so had I. I thought that it was fine if he was a player once. As long as he wasn’t anymore. But I guess I was wrong.
“You know, Lori,” she continued, “Heartbreak is awful. I agree. But that doesn’t mean you pack your bags and leave. Never run from your problems. Ever.” She looked at me meaningfully. “Please don’t put me through that ever again. I can’t lose you, too.” I was glad that she was scolding me. It reminded me that I still have someone that cares for me. I’m not alone. With that, I gave my aunt a hug and sought the solitude of my room.
I lost my dad. I lost my home. I lost my life. I got my first boyfriend. And he hurt me. Yeah, I’d been through some crap. But I wasn’t alone. I knew that now. It was a well-learned lesson.
But my poor heart had to pay the price.
Kind of a roller coaster. I know! But I’m hoping you liked it. What do you think is going to happen? Do you think everything will work out for Lori and Wes? Or nah?
I'm keeping the chapters pretty short. Especially since I upload twice a week!
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You and Me
Tienerfictie**ON HOLD** “Do you believe in love at first sight?” Her eyes widened in shock as she registered my words. “Because I could always walk by another time.” -Wes Adams Wes is a college boy, who works at a nearby gas station to make ends meet. He’s g...