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Alison's Amazing POV

Darkness. The surrounding area only had dark trees and no moonlight or sunlight or stars or anything. It was just a dark forest. I estimated it had been about five hours since I ran away from home.


It's five o'clock in the evening at my mini-palace of a home. My mother and I live in a three story home complete with a pool and jacuzzi. My father was killed on a job for the CIA so my mother gets drunk so she won't have to feel pain and misery, according to her.


"Coming Mother!" Oh Lord. She's drunk again.


" You did tell me mother. And I did. It's in the cupboards."

"LIES!!!!" She smashed the beer bottle she was currently drinking over my head, knocking me unconscious. I woke up later in my soft bed with my mother cooing over me.

Of course. Every time she gets sober again, she has no clue of what she had done in the past twenty-four hours.

"Oh my gosh! Did I do this again?" She asked sadly. When she was sober, you couldn't find a kinder soul. But I couldn't take it anymore.

"Yes." I replied through gritted teeth, because I had tried to sit up. She left me alone for awhile while I was packing my things into one of my many bags. Five shirts, three pairs of shorts, two pairs of pants, and other clothing and toiletries. I had heard the fearsome Captain Hook was sailing back to his home land( wherever that was) and I wanted inboard. He bragged it was in another world so I thought, the farther away from my mother, the better. The next day, when the Jolly Roger was headed to the captain's homeland, I snuck aboard and hid below deck. Before I stowed away, I got the chance to look at the beautiful boat. She was extremely large for such a small crew, and had a mermaid on the front. Below deck had loads of portholes that I noticed I could see out of if I hid in the right place. She looked really old, but well cared for. The rocking of the ship slowly nudged me into an emotional slumber.

I woke up to the sound of the ship hitting sand and I cautiously peered out the little window next to me and it blew my mind. The island was beautiful! There were colorful flowers all along the shore, trees filled with delicious fruits, and so much more vegetation. I glanced in all the directions I could see, and didn't see anyone, and decided to make a run for it. Slowly, I crawled up to the main deck and sprinted towards the forest.

"Oi! You there! Get back here!!" Captain Hook shouted after me, waving his hook around in the air. I sprinted as fast as I could away from the ship and into the forest. After I found a place to crash, built a bow with a stick off a very interesting tree and some stretchy material and some arrows with a few fascinating feathers, and built a makeshift bed, I fell unconscious.

End of Flashback

Peter's Pathetic POV

I was playing games with my Lost Boys when I sensed a presence on the island. I hopped up in the tree where I could see the beach and spotted the Jolly Roger. Good ol Captain Hook. Always thinking he can defeat me and take over Neverland. All of a sudden a girl around 17 came sprinting out of the ship. Captain Hook was yelling after her to come back with a few choice words as well. How amusing. Smitty tried going after her , but she was way too fast for him. He went back to the ship huffing and puffing. I decided to follow the girl to wherever she was going. I found her passed out on a makeshift bed with a bow and some arrows by her side. Smart girl. It got boring after awhile so I went back to my camp and decided to see if she was still there in the morning. If she was there, I would give her a warm welcome to Neverland.

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