Games with Lost Boys Are NOT Fun!

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Alison Affected POV

Another arrow whizzed just beside the apple balanced on my head. All together, I had three apples balancing on my body. One on my head, one in my mouth, and one in my lap. The worst was the one in my lap. Every time one of the boys aimed for it, I tensed up, thinking the boy shooting would impale my stomach or leg with the next shot. The second worst was the one in my mouth. It's pretty obvious why I'm afraid of that target. I like my face. Apparently, so does Pan. That's why almost nobody shoots at that one. The one I'm least afraid of is the one balanced on my head. That's because the Lost Boys like to shoot at that one the most and, purposely, miss it it or my head by an inch or less. So I've gotten used to that one.

"Had enough yet?" A boy about my age with blonde hair and a scar across one cheek came up to me.

"Have you given your best shot yet?" I spat.

"I'll take that as a no." He stepped back a few paces and notched MY bow with one of MY arrows.

"Felix!" Pan appeared right in front of the blonde haired kid and snatched the bow and arrow from him.

"I think she's learned her lesson," He snarled," Lights out everybody!" Finally. I estimated it was about 11 o clock at night. This evenings previous events were that campfire in honor of my arrival( I was tied to a chair and force-fed by Pan),Tag( more like chase Alison through the Dark Forest with sticks until she passes out), pin the heart on the Alison( not as pleasant as it may sound), shoot the apples on Alison, and finally now, lights out. I tried to walk towards the forest to build a make-shift bed to sleep on, but Peter stopped me.

"That won't be necessary Lov." Peter wrapped his arms around me and we were both in a big tent in an instant.

"What'd ya do that for," I asked angrily," I could have made my own bed!"

"Yes, but then you probably would have been torn apart by the monsters that live in Neverland." He replied calmly.

"You mean there are other monsters on this island besides you?" I didn't believe a word of it.

He didn't answer.

Peter's Pancake POV

"Yes, but then you probably would have been torn apart by the monsters that live in Neverland." I told her calmly.

"You mean there are other monsters on this island besides you?" She asked, her eyes showing disbelief. Ouch. I didn't answer her, because right then I decided to tune out whatever she was saying. I started daydreaming about a day when I watched her relax in a little cove she likes to hang out in. She had made a bikini out of leaves strung tightly together and wore her blonde hair in a ponytail cascading down her back and ending just above the waterline, which was just below her waist. Her bright blue eyes reflected the water almost perfectly, until she closed them and took a small nap. It was then I had walked in, pulled her hair out of the ponytail, and put a large water lily in her loose hair. All without her even waking up. I stood there for a moment, just staring at her, until she started to shift and when her eyes opened, I was already gone.

"Peter!" Alison shouted in my ear.

"Huh? What?"

"I was asking you where I'm going to sleep."

"On the bed. Duh."

"Where will you sleep?"

"On. The. Bed." I said slowly, not understanding why she looked horrified.

"I'm not sleeping in the same bed as you!" She exclaimed defiantly.

"Would you rather sleep on the ground?" I gestured to the dirt floor pointedly.

She sighed." I guess not, but I'm sleeping as far away from you as possible."

"Fine with me."

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