Searching For Alison

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Amelia's Arsonist POV

"!" I had pinned a lost boy up against a tree and was interogating him with a knife to his throat.

"Why should I tell a soft fairy like you?" He spat.

"Because," I lifted the knife off his throat, grabbed his small companion, and put the blade to his throat instead of the lost boy's. This one still had his innocence. In other words, Pan hadn't gotten into his head yet. "If you don't, I'll just have to keep killing the people you love and care about most."

"Don't you dare hurt Joey!" He screeched, leaping at us. With a simple nod, I flung him across the clearing and brought him back and on his feet. Saying I'm so sorry this had to happen to you over and over again to Joey in my mind, I pressed on the knife harder, causing the blade to start drawing blood. He cried out loud in agony

He suppressed a sigh." She's being held in the camp. You should know where that is." I gladly and hurriedly took the blade away from little Joey's throat. He ran into the other boy's outstretched arms as he was picked up and scolded for following the other boy while hunting.

"Thank you. Now, if you don't mind, I'm going to go find Alison. And don't even THINK about warning Pan." As I changed into my fairy form, I whispered a protection spell over little Joey so he wouldn't be killed by the night monsters in the Dark Forest. With that, I left them both dumbstruck so that they forgot they ever met me. I knew little Joey wouldn't even be touched, but the other boy was completely vulnerable and would probably die within minutes of my departing.

Alison's Applied POV

I was awakened by the sound if whooping and hollering outside. Probably caught another fairy. Or a pixie. Or a mermaid(who were almost impossible to catch). I felt a warm presence wrapped around me and I turned slightly to find Pan holding me, hands clasped at my stomach, dangerously close to my upper body.

"Peter!" I whisper-yelled. I just noticed something off about him... He wasn't wearing a shirt! He started mumbling something in his sleep about a boy needing his rest and flipped me over on top of him.

"Peter! " I was now speaking at a normal tone and as his eyes fluttered open, he smirked.

"Good morning Lov."

"Let me go."

"Nah, I kinda like this position." He started leaning forward, and I, my feminism taking over, leaned forward too.

His kiss was fiery and passionate. With a sigh of pleasure, he deepened the kiss, molding our lips to a more comfortable position. Who woulda know. My first kiss was with a fairytale character. We only broke apart when I needed breath.

Panting slightly, I asked," Peter?"

"Yes Lov?"

"I think I'm falling in love with you."

I Fell In Love With Peter Pan( on hold)Where stories live. Discover now