Chapter 26: Jealous Jack

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Jack watched as Nightlight kissed Elsa's forehead, there was a sign of relief and anger in his heart. He never wanted Elsa to be with someone. He always wanted to be the one who could protect her, except he and Elsa were arguing and are both in bad terms before but now they are good. If only I could be the one who could comfort her. He thought. Now he was regretting why would he ever leaved Elsa behind when she ran away. He could have been with her since. He gripped his staff but released it when North started to ask, "Could it be?"

He watched North in a disbelief face mixed with confusion. "What are you talking about?" he asked slightly annoyed. "It's Nightlight!" Tooth yelled. What? So they knew this Nightlight guy? Again Jack thought, he was too annoyed because Nightlight came for their aid of the guardians especially to Elsa. Jamie chuckled as he looked at Jack. "He is jealous," Jamie whispered at Grimlock who gave a small snort. "So you already knew that guy?" Hiccup asked. North nodded, but Hiccup waited for further explanation. "Nightlight, is the bodyguard of Manny." Jack stared at Nightlight with furrowed brows, "Then why would he be guarding Elsa if he already had Manny." North shrugged, but Jack faced him as if he wanted more answers. He licked his tongue in sign of annoyance, then watched Nightlight fought Shadow. 

They were both equal in strength that is what Jack's eyes saw, but there was beneath Nightlight's normal figure sensing that Nightlight was covering his real attack on Shadow. Nice way. Jack thought then he grinned. "What is with that grin Jack?" Hiccup whispered. He faced Hiccup nervously, he never thought anyone could notice him grinning. Hiccup was such an observant but Jack wondered if Hiccup observed every move that Nightlight made. "Now that you asked. I have been watching Nightlight's every move since the minute he started fighting," Jack whispered back. Hiccup nodded and smiled, "Same here bro." They watched until both Nightlight and Shadow made the final attack, they were both running towards their opposite direction. "This is going to be a great impact," Hiccup whispered. Jack smiled but his eyes were still on Nightlight watching him carefully. Just one move Nightlight slowly but weakly began to beam. Then boom. The two were both were now in different directions.

"Did you see that?" Jack whisper-yelled he put on a serious face as he saw what happened to Nightlight glowing. "See what?" Hiccup asked. Jack rolled his eyes in disbelief, the observant did not see what just happened to Nightlight. "Nightlight. He beamed, just a minute ago," Jack whisper-yelled. Hiccup did not reply back but watched Nightlight back again, he wanted to be sure what Jack said, so he became very observant to what Nightlight was doing.

On the other hand, Nightlight faced back Shadow which was now kneeled down on his knees. Then he watched Hans and Mother Gothel who looked at him in fear. "That is enough! Nightmares attack him!" Pitch commanded. Nightmares began to emerge from bellow but Nightlight flew quickly to the guardians and one grip of the cage black sand slowly disappeared. "That lad made it vanish!" Merida gasped and everyone went out. Nightlight looked back seeing Mother Gothel and Hans tried helping Shadow then went into the shadows. He looked back at Pitch who glared at him. Pitch grabbed Elsa and snapped his fingers then a dark hole was made where they both were standing, he slowly entered but was interrupted when a snowball landed on his back. He heard Jack laughing, he turned back Jack was already flying towards him in a high speed. Then knocked Pitch and caught Elsa. "I will be back guardians and have my revenge especially you Nightlight! And for you Elsa. I will spread fear over all!" Pitch hopped on a nightmare and vanished.

Their fight was not over yet, there was still nightmares coming but it was a good thing the guardians were out. They were the ones who fought the Nightmares while Nightlight went to Jack who is carrying Elsa. "Look at that Grimlock he's finally fighting back," Jamie whispered while Grimlock nodded then smiled. After the guardians won over the nightmares they went to Elsa who was unconscious all of a sudden. "Is she alright?" Jack asked. Sandy went up to him and touched Elsa's forehead. Sandy shook his head, Elsa was already in nightmare. "We have to take her back to the workshop!" North gestured to his sleigh. "How about you Nightlight?" Tooth asked also gesturing for him. Nightlight did not reply he just shook his head and pointed that he can fly, he was slowy in mid air. "Okay, so everyone to the sleigh!" North was followed by the others and went on the sky.

While in mid air, Nightlight always glanced at Elsa with a worried look. Jack on the other hand caught Nightlight glancing at Elsa and looked away with furrowed bows.  "Guess who is jealous?" Hiccup smirked. Jack rolled his eyes and looked at the other direction. "Really?!" Merida covered Jack's sighting. "Hey! Not you too!"

They started laughing at Jack who blushed in shyly. "Come on Jack! it's normal," Rapunzel said with her hands on her chest. "Everyone buckle up," North took a snow globe and whispered, "To workshop," North smashed the snow globe and a portal opened. "It looks creepy," Eugene said sarcastically and all of them went in the portal. They crash landed on the workshop, and everyone's hands were on their head. "That was great," North joyfully laughed and patted his belly. "Tell me about it," Merida rolled her eyes and went out of the sleigh. "Take the sheila to her room," Bunny insisted while Jack hurriedly went inside her room and laid her on her bed. He was followed by everyone who looked at Elsa worriedly. "Jack let Sandy take care of her for awhile, you need to rest," North held Jack's shoulder while Jack's eyes were downcast. "Is she going  to be alright?" Rapunzel started to tear up and Eugene comforted her. "She will, Elsa is a strong lass Punzie," Merida cheered her up and everyone started to walk away except for Nightlight he stayed. 

"Nightlight, you comin' mate?" Bunny insisted him to go out but Nightlight remained his quietness. He watched Elsa being healed by Sandy. He seated to the other side of Sandy, which made Sandy raise a brow but Nightlight gestured him to continue and smiled. Sandy looked at Bunny and shrugged then Bunny slowly closed the door. Sandy touched Elsa's forehead closing his eyes and golden dust glowed. Sandy has been staying in his position for a couple of minutes, also Nightlight has been staring at Sandy and at Elsa patiently to what was going to happen.

 "Can I come in?" someone knocked from the door and it was Jack's voice. Nightlight stood up not wanting Sandy to be interrupted. He opened the door and saw Jack with his staff leaning on his left shoulder. Nightlight smiled at him and welcomed him in. Jack weakly smiled as a respond and walk pass Nightlight. 

On the other side Merida, Hiccup, Rapunzel, Eugene, Jamie and the two dragons had been spying Jack for awhile now was the time they evesdrop. "Ay told ye he will go to the lass's room, ye can sense that he was jealous," Merida whisper-yelled. "Yeah-yeah whatever, come on," Hiccup replied and they all leaned their ears on the door.  

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