Chapter 3

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About a week later, I was released home, the doctor thought I had been doing good with my memory and thought that a fimilar area would help.

I tried to help around the house, but mom wouldn't let me. Every time she said, "i got it honey go rest." But I was so tired of resting, that's all I could do for along time. And when I did rest, I thought. And my thoughts had became overwhelming, I couldn't keep still, so instead I baked.

I baked cookies, and cake, even brownies, it was the only thing that kept me busy, and my parents would allow me to do. So for hours I sat in the kitchen, just watching the clock, as piles of baked goods stacked around me.

After hours of baking, I gathered it all up, and went to Kayla's. I remembered how I used to do this, when I was upset, and we would sit on the Porch and talk for hours. I swear every time we did that, we gained 10 pounds. But I never really noticed because I lost the weight of the pain.

This time I wasn't meeting Kayla on the steps, she wasn't there. I walked though the house, I used to be so familiar with, to a strange wasteland. It was hollow, sad. Kayla's perkiness wasn't looming around as she took up the roles of her family while they were working, instead they were home, and looked exhausted. " hey honey, thank you", her mom looked up, it realized that it wasn't just me who was hurting, but everyone else too.

I couldn't take it, I cried. It wasn't the new sudden emptiness, or even the strange new ways of the past, but the fact that i couldn't remember. I knew if I could, it would be some sort of closure, for everyone. But endless hours of thinking and I still couldn't.

"I'm so sorry",I whispered, as If anyone was listening.

"I wish I could of changed things."

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