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Greetings 👋👋

I rant too much in my stories sometimes (read:a lot)  😅 and Ive been wanting to this for awhile and ta-da, here I am!!

In this book I'll just rant about IRL, 4th Ave, and the other Boy Band boys. I'll also be posting pictures and fangirling over them 😂😂😂

Ik Boy Band was eight months ago (how is that even possible alapqownwlqpqoshs) but I still have plenty opinions and things to rant about sooo I'll also be ranting about different things from the show 😂😂 I'll probably do some opinions so dm me or comment any questions/requests you may have.

{I'm not trying to copy anyone who does these books, I just rant a lot lol and I have like no friends IRL who watch Boy Band and like support the boys so sometimes I just need to get stuff off my chest and that's what I'll be doing in this book.}

I'll probably have a chapter up soon.

Enjoy 😂😂

Boy Band/IRL/4thAve Random thoughts, opinions, rants, etc.Where stories live. Discover now