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So some of y'all (AKA 2 people lollll) asked me questions under my last chapter soooo here's the answers😂😂

Questions by LaurenEmidd
What's your favorite color?
-Royal Blue.

What's your favorite food?
-Mashed potatoes, roast beef, Whole grain goldfish, and Chick Fil A😂😂😂

How many siblings do you have?
-3. All brothers 😂😂

Do you have any pets?
-Yes. My brothers 😂😂😂 other than that sadly no 😔😔😔😔

Favorite song?
-OOOOF how do I choose? Everything by IRL and Michael Conor. Hooked and Talk by Why Don't We. So Close by 4th Ave. I know it's a cover and Sam Smith is the original artist but I've had James Graham's cover of Writings on the Wall on repeat so I'm saying that 😂😂

Favorite album?
-Oof it changes lol but right now it's Louder by R5 #throwback

Thoughts on Lergio?
-Um, my favorite ship and it needs to happen because it's adorable plus I'm the one who invented the ship name soooo yeah.😂😂😂😂😂😂

Questions by Irwinner15
Favorite fanfic?
-OOF this is hard but tbh Divided written by you was my favorite idk why it was just really different and I loved that all the guys were in it (except for when you broke my heart and killed half of them. Thanks a lot Ally)

First fandom?
-Probably R5/the Austin and Ally fandom Ik they're two different fandoms but I was basically in them both at the same time so pretty much both if that even counts

Most awkward moment?
-I've literally had so many and I try to forget about them so I honestly don't know

5sos or 1D?

Prettymuch or WDW?
-For the music WDW, for the boys PM. I actually love both of their music and think almost all of them are cute but idk that's just my answer

-Definitely IRL

Brichael or Bergio?
-Brichael cause Michael

Chichael or Brance?
-Chichael cause Michael

Brichael or Chichael?

Boy Band or IRL?
-HOW DARE YOU. I cannot choose I love them both with my whole heart

If you could relive one thing what would it be?
-The night I became good friends with my friend Ryan who passed away a month later 💚


Hoping to update one of my stories at some point today💞

Also guys check out my Boy Band Elimination Game if you haven't already!! We're on round 5 right now!!

Comment what you want my opinion on next 🤗

Idk else to say so have a good day dudes


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