Rant 1:Miles Welsey

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I've said a lot of this in one of my rants in my stories before lol so if you read that just bare with me.

Miles was my original fav (along with MC, but I'll get to him trust me😂😂😂).

Earlier this summer I saw commercials for a show called Boy Band.

And I was like

Hot boys who can sing??? I'm totally watching! 😂😂😂

But that commercial was on Disney Channel and since I don't really watch Disney Channel much cause it kinda sucks now 😂😂 I totally forgot about it until after it premiered 😔😔

One day I was scrolling through YouTube and Six Track's performance popped up.

I clicked on it and watched, and both Michael and Miles caught my eye.

To me Miles looked like Brad Simpson from The Vamps, and I was like "WOW HES HOT AND HE CAN SING AND LOOKS LIKE BRAD NOICE". And I thought Michael was fantastic and hot as well so I was like "I have to watch this show and catch up on what I missed."

I watched the auditions (and fell more in love with Miles with his audition) then Reverbs episode and Six Track's episode

So fast forward to the first live show (I wasn't watching live sadly lol I was catching up).

When they announced Miles was going home I was soooooooo mad.

I literally slammed down my phone (that's what I was watching it on)

Then texted my best friend a picture of him and was like DO YOU SEE THIS BEAUTIFUL PERSON. HE JUST GOT ELIMINATED AND HE DOESNT DESERVE IT.

Or something to that effect 😅😅

The architects (who I will most likely rant about later as well) literally told him he would be good in a band and that they were glad he wanted to be in one.

AND THEN LIVE SHOW THEYRE LIKE "oh you weren't focused I think you're a solo artist"


He was definitely in my original top 5. Even my mom, who never watched the show with me lol but watched his audition when I was rewatching the show one day was like "wow he's got a really good voice."

Anyways... Miles is amazing and went home way too soon... but I love IRL, and I really can't imagine it with any of them replaced.

Miles is making fire music (you need to listen to his songs if you havent they're 🔥🔥) and showing the architects wrong, and I'm so proud of him. And I love that he still keeps in touch with the boys (except Butcher 💀) and is still friends with them. For example, he posted this the other day and it makes me so happy:

 For example, he posted this the other day and it makes me so happy:

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Anyways, those are my thoughts on Miles Wesley

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Anyways, those are my thoughts on Miles Wesley. ❤️❤️

What're your thoughts on Miles?? Do you agree or disagree?? I'd love to hear your opinions!!

What're your thoughts on Miles?? Do you agree or disagree?? I'd love to hear your opinions!!

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Boy Band/IRL/4thAve Random thoughts, opinions, rants, etc.Where stories live. Discover now