Serpents in the Storm-Sweet Pea Imagine

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It wasn't the consistent pitter patter of rain on my window, the loud rumble of thunder or the flashes of lightning illuminating the dark sky that woke me, it was the knocking on my door. I unwillingly rolled out of my warm bed, and began my descent of the stairs, when I reached the bottom I could roughly make out a tall dark figure on my doorstep, my mind immediately flew to Sweet Pea, I hesitated before opening the door, multiple scenarios running through my head of what Archie and the Red Circle might've done to my Serpent. My hand reached out and pulled open the door and there he was, soaking wet, bloody and bruised, I quickly stepped back and ushered him inside. Closing the door I made my way to the kitchen his heavy footsteps following me "sit" I told him, he complied, I bent down grabbing a bag of frozen veg from the freezer wrapping it in a towel I handed it to him, our fingers brushing as I did so "hold it to your eye whilst I find something for that cut" I turned to walk away before a hand on my wrist stopped me, I looked up at his tall frame, still towering my 5'5 stance even when seated, "thank you" he mumbled, a smile stretched across my face as I reached a hand out resting it on his cheek, "you don't have to thank me Pea, at least tell me you got a few good licks in", I watched as a Cheshire Cat grin overtook his face, he winced not even a second later drawing my attention back to his split lip, "just a second" I turned again and made my way to the basic medical kit we kept close by, I pulled out some cotton and rubbing alcohol before returning to Sweet Pea, "this is going to sting" I warned, he grabbed my hips and pulled me in closer until I was standing between his legs, "okay now you can start" he claimed, I softly shook my head before lifting the alcohol soaked cotton to his lip, he winced again and tried withdrawing his head, I brought my free hand up and placed it on the back of his neck keeping him still. I grabbed more cotton before stepping back and reaching for his hands, I became slightly distracted by the way his hand enveloped my own, "babe", I quickly looked up meeting his dark chocolate eyes, "oh, right, umm back to uh", his chuckle stopped my rambling, "it's okay, it was pretty cute", I felt my face heat up and cursed myself for blushing so easily, I once again concentrated on his hands, gently cleaning the cuts littering his knuckles. "All done" I voiced, moving to collect the used cotton and defrosted veg, throwing them in the bin close to the door, I swivelled my head round to look at him, raising my hand and beckoning him over, he began following me through the house until we reached my bedroom, I walked straight over to my bed, welcoming the warmth with open arms, my eyes observed Sweet Pea as he removed his shoes and stripped to his boxers before joining me. He wrapped one arm around my shoulders, the other around my waist and pulled me closer to him, we stayed like that as the calming storm outside lulled us both to sleep.

AN: Okay so this is my first attempt of writing, I hope you liked it, requests for any character/fandom are accepted.

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