Cliche-Steve Harrington Imagine

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Tina's Halloween Bash

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Tina's Halloween Bash. The place to get 'Sheet-Faced', and I was planning on doing just that.
I pulled up to Tina's parking my car not far from her house, but far enough away that some drunken shit couldn't damage it, looking around I could guess the party had been going on for awhile, people were already passed out on the yard, red plastic cups scattered around, couples making-out against the side of the house, it was absolutely mental. Perfect. This is just what I needed. Making my way through the houses threshold I was hit with a wave of alcohol and the unmistakable smell of sweat in the air, pushing my way through couples practically fucking in the living room, which had been cleared out for dancing, I made my way the the punch, it was most likely spiked, with what, I didn't really know nor did I care, taking a sip, I immediately spat the liquid back into the cup, "yuck, tastes like piss" I mumbled to myself, seeing a cooler on the kitchen counter I decided whatever was in there would be a safer bet than the punch, after grabbing a beer, I loitered around the kitchen, leaning against the counter, eyes scanning the crowds for a familiar face, maybe even a friend, but no such luck.
After finishing a few beers I decided to move back to the living room, I halted however when another body collided with mine, I looked up opening my mouth ready to tear into this asshole, when I reached the eyes of my best friend and long time crush, cliche I know, Steve Harrington, his eyes were sad, and he looked like he'd been crying, he quickly turned and carried on rushing through the party, "Steve" I called out, rushing after him, "hey, wait up, Steve please", he slowed down as we reached outside, I lunged forward and grabbed his wrist spinning him around, it was then that he broke down, wrapping his arms around me resting his head on my shoulder as sobs raked his body, I stood frozen for a second before slowly wrapping my hands around his body, rubbing what I hoped were soothing circles on his back, after standing there for a few minutes, I slowly pulled back, and grabbed his hand, tugging him over to my car, "c'mon, let me take you home", he followed after me getting in the passenger seat, I started the car and pulled away from Tina's house.
After arriving at the Harrington's residence, we sat in silence for a few minutes neither of us moving, "Do you think I'm bullshit?" He asked, I was slightly taken back, for the second time in the space of half an hour, "whoa okay, where did that come from?", "Nancy" he replied, I resisted the urge to roll my eyes, I didn't particularly like Nancy, I didn't trust her either, "What happened?" I asked, "she got drunk, I pulled her to the bathroom to try and talk and she started rambling about how everything was bullshit, I was bullshit, our love was bullshit, I don't even know if I can blame it on her being drunk, things haven't been right for a while, I just didn't think it would happen like this" he replied, voice cracking slightly halfway through the explanation, "oh" I didn't know what to say in all honesty, I was shocked more than anything else, it didn't sound like Nancy at all, but I guess you never really know a person. I sighed turning in my seat slightly, I reached my hand out grasping his chin and turning his head towards me, "look Steve, I'm not trying to hurt your feelings or anything but maybe this is for the best, you said it yourself, things haven't been right for a while, so maybe this needed to happen, and seeing as you're no longer with her, I can be the brutally honest best friend, she didn't deserve you, you're too good for her, after everything that happened last year, she's seemed split between you and the Byers guy, and you don't deserve that, you should be with someone who is solely focused on you and only you" "someone like you", my jaw dropped, my mouth opening and closing like a fish, "um I uh" I couldn't form a sentence still in shock from his comment. Steve moved forward, his hands cradling my cheeks and bringing my face towards him, my eyes flickered between his blue eyes and his slightly parted lips, I hesitated before closing the gap between us. My mind was running a mile a minute, but I done my best to block it all out, I didn't even care if this ended up being some kind of rebound, I was perfectly happy sitting here in my car locking lips with my best friend.


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