Long Year-Billy Hargrove Imagine

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I slowly trudged my way through the buzzing halls of Hawkins High, there was a new kid, Billy I think his name was, all the girls seemed infatuated with him, the boys either disliked him or like the girls, worshipped him

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I slowly trudged my way through the buzzing halls of Hawkins High, there was a new kid, Billy I think his name was, all the girls seemed infatuated with him, the boys either disliked him or like the girls, worshipped him. Making my way into class, I sat at my normal seat in the back corner, and waited for the bell to ring. Class was boring and it only started five minutes ago, the teacher was droning on about some random bullshit I'd probably never use in the real world, and I was slowly falling asleep. My head sprang up from its position on the desk as the classroom door opened, revealing the school secretary and a tall boy wearing denim on denim, gotta love the eighties huh? As whispers filled the room I came to the realisation that this must be the new kid, I began to fall into a state of daydream as I thought of the things I'd heard, he'd moved from California, he had a little sister in the middle school close by, and he apparently killed someone, I was broken from my thoughts when I heard the teacher say my name, I looked up and met the hostile blue eyes of Billy Hargrove, I visible tensed and attempted to swallow down the fear rising up my throat, "y-y-yes ma'am?" I silently cursed myself for stuttering, "this is Billy he'll be sitting next to you for the rest of the semester, maybe you could catch him up?" I inwardly groaned, just what I needed, "sure" came my response. Billy's heavy boots clunked across the floor as he approached the empty seat beside me, the teacher carried on with the lesson once he was seated, "Hi, I'm y/n", "Billy, but I'm sure you already knew that, right sweetheart?" My heart quickened slightly at the use the pet name, "yeah, you seem to be everyone's favourite topic" he chucked, "I have that effect on people, I mean look at me, can you blame them?" I scoffed rolling my eyes before facing the front. "This is gonna be a long year" I muttered.


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