His Arms-Billy Hargrove Imagine

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"Billy?" My voice rang out in contrast to his silent house, Max was probably with the Sinclair boy she was so fond of, and as for Neil and Susan, well I don't really care where they went, I called out for Billy again

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"Billy?" My voice rang out in contrast to his silent house, Max was probably with the Sinclair boy she was so fond of, and as for Neil and Susan, well I don't really care where they went, I called out for Billy again. After not getting a reply I made my way towards his room, faintly hearing the sound of Bon Jovi travelling down the hall coming from a room I'd grown to know quite well, Billy's, I approached the door and lightly rapped my knuckles on the wood, after waiting a minute and hearing nothing in return I pushed open the door to see Billy with his back facing me, cigarette in hand. I moved forward placing my hand on his broad shoulder, but quickly removing it when he flinched under my touch, he turned his head to face me, my heart broke seeing the state he was in, his face was streaked with dry tears, his nose bright red, and his normally bright blue eyes had lost their shine. "Babe" I whispered "don't" he grunted out, I wanted to protest but decided against it knowing it would only make the situation worse, "okay then, do you want something to eat?", "please" was his response, I smiled to my self and turned on my heel heading towards the kitchen, after searching through the fridge and cabinets I found the ingredients to make chocolate chip pancakes, cause who doesn't like pancakes? I felt strong arms wrap around my waist as I poured the batter into a frying pan, a smile stretched across my face, there's nowhere I'd rather be than in Billy's arms.


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