Pistol Whipped
You look so pretty
when you cry.
Don't wanna hit you
but the only thing,
between our love is
(1) a bloody nose
(2) a busted lip
(3) a blackened eye
You look so pretty
when you cry.
Don't wanna hit you
but the only thing,
between our love is
(1) a bloody nose
(2) a busted lip
(3) a blackened eye
You're a little pistol
and I'm fucking pistol whipped
You're a little pistol
and I'm fucking pistol whipped
(cock, cock, cock it)
When I undo my belt,
you melt and you walk away
with a red, red, red, red welt
(or so they say)
When I undo my belt,
you melt and you walk away
with a red, red, red, red welt
(or so they say)
You're a little pistol
and I'm fucking pistol whipped
You're a little pistol
and I'm fucking pistol whipped
I wanna have your ache
and beat you too
I wanna have your ache
and beat you too
I wanna have your ache
and beat you too
I wanna have your ache
and beat you too
You're a little pistol
and I'm fucking pistol whipped
You're a little pistol
and I'm fucking pistol whipped
(cock, cock, cock it)________________________
Sajnos magyar változatot nem találtam, mert ez egy kevésbé ismert szám, de engem nagyon megfogott, egyszerűen imádom ezt a számot. Remélem ha nem ismeritek és meghallgatjátok nektek is elnyeri a tetszéseteket!^^
Minden ami Marilyn Manson
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