Sadessa and Maybelynne

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Two years

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Two years. Two, miserable years since I last saw his face, touched his chocolaty biceps, smelled his scent which kinda made me think of sour patch kids and apple flavored twizzlers. Two years and I am sick of being apart from him. Mister Wonka.. Where are you, you sexy son of a bitch?

I was higher than the high sierra.. literally. I was on top of the Washington monument, looking over the whole city of Washington. Wondering, how in the hell did I get on top of this thing in the first place?

No matter. Not now, anways. What matters now is hunting those bastards.

Just as I was about to ninja flip off of this cement behemoth, I hear ZZ top playing in the distance. I peek through some random binoculars that I pulled out of nowhere, because I have no bag with me, what so ever, and my booty shorts are too tight to breathe in let alone put binoculars in. Anyways, I pull that out and I peek through. Yes, she's coming. Riding in a mad max looking rig, radio blasting so loudly that the windows cracked slightly, was my best friend and partner in crime: Spearmint.

110 lbs of dirty blonde haired craziness, with her thick framed glasses that miraculously survived the Loompa takeover, a run in with an ex boyfriend and being dropped into a toilet... a billion times. Anyways, she and I have known each other since we both came out of the womb. Which is technically impossible since she's two years my junior. Is that even the right term?

Anyways, we've known each other for as long as I can remember. And I can't remember much, so this says a lot. Now what was I doing again? Oh right, standing ontop of a ridiculously high place watching my best friend park nearby.

Like a majestic angel descending from heaven above, I leap from the Washington monument and as I fall, feeling the wind whip past me like a thick cloud of locusts I think: Shit. And pummel face down into Mint's car.

KUWHAM!! was the noise that was made when I hit the car. Obviously..

"What the actually fudge?!" shouted Mint as she kicked the door open and strided out before slapping my ass.

I slowly lifted myself from the dented metal before groaning. "Only love.. can hurt like this." then rubbing my head afterward.

Mint put her hands on her hips before biting the bottom of her lip. "I bagged three more who were hiding out at the mall. These little orange shitbags are getting more and more scarce in this area. I think we need to move up north. Maybe we'll find more-"

"Mint.." I couldn't help but intterupt her, I had to say something about our future. I stared down at the pavement below me, then lifted my eyes to her. "What will we do with our lives if we kill em all? What if we take down general Loompus and it's all over with? Then what?"

Mint's mouth pooched and hung off to the side, something she always did when she was thinking. A hum left her throat. "I really don't know. I mean.. live until we die, I guess."

Sweet Apocalypta ( Part Sequel to Oompa Loompa Takeover )Where stories live. Discover now