Still don't know what the hell happened

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Sadessa couldn't sleep, she spent the night repeating to herself she needed to stop. Stop with the crying, stop with burdening everyone.. stop fucking breathing. As the night came to an end, she laid up in bed, breaking down every once and awhile, feeling as though she had finally realized she didn't know who she was anymore. All night, she searched her mind, trying to puzzle every single thing that she remembered together and she realized it didn't make any sense. All of her memories, they were so out of place, so scrambled that she didn't believe half of them. It made her feel... like a freak. Everyone had a past they could remember, and she had nothing. It was scary..

But, that night wasn't the first night she questioned herself and her memories.

She does know, however, that her parents were not a figment of her imaginations. No, dreams of being abused kept coming to her as if they were well hidden memories finally coming back. So, that is it.. she was an abused child. But, who was she as a teenager? Who was she really? Before the takeover? All of that was still a blur.. she wish she could remember. And who is she meant to be now? I wish I knew..

Little Dude slept soundly beside her, not even letting go of her hand. When he woke, he found her staring blankly at the ceiling, huccuping from her crying. He scooted closer, and touched her face to make sure she was alright.

Sadessa looked over at him, blinking her tears away. "Oh.. Good morning, Little Dude."

Little Dude went over to the drawer next to the bed and pulled out his pen and pad. Sadessa, are you okay? he wrote.

Sadessa read it and gave him her best smile. "Yeah.. I'm fine." with a soft groan, she lifted herself and swung her legs over the bed. She sat there, rubbing her eyes of all makeup that was covering them. She felt tired, worn down, weak. A touch of warmness made her spine tingle when Little Dude held her from behind. She turned to him, and with a soft smile she assured him she was alright. She got up, and made her way to the bathroom.

Little Dude gathered his sisters and changed them, clothed them and placed them gently into the basket. He began to worry about his friend, Just be you, Dess.. Don't worry, everything will be okay. he thought. A furrow to his brows and a pained sigh foretold his worry. He cared for her, he didn't want her to feel like she had no purpose. It almost made him angry toward Wonka. Here is this vulnerable girl, chasing after a man who had no idea why she kept after him for this long. He wish he could say something, he wish he could scream out in words. But mostly, he was more angry about the fact that she thinks she will be able to find peace by helping another and not herself. He didn't understand it.. and yet he almost did.

Sadessa came into the room, refreshed and with a new layer of makeup on. Little Dude turned to her and gave a forced smile, and she did the same. "You ready, my man?" Sadessa asked, leaning down to look herself in a broken piece of a mirror to make sure she didn't smudge her lipstick.

Little Dude made a grunt noise and nodded.

Sadessa walked over to him and knelt down. "I'm sorry about last night. I feel so ashamed for freaking you out like that. But, I do appreciate you sticking through with me." she gave him a small smile then kissed his cheek. "I owe you everything, Little Dude."

Little Dude felt heat rise in his face as he blushed. His light green eyes met Sadessa's and he smiled. He wish he could tell her that she was welcomed and that he would always be there when she needed him. He just returned the kiss and gave her a hug.

"Well, my first willing kiss by a guy. First you hold my hand when we first met, and then you kiss me. I almost would think you have a human fetish." she joked, standing up as she did.

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