Day 2: Fairy Lights

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When Lance and Shiro decided that it was time that they decorated for Christmas, they were really excited. However, when something happened to Lance when they strung up the lights.


"Come on Shiro, it's time to decorate outside," Lance said tugging on Shiro's arm until he got up from the couch. Shiro groaned and draped himself across Lance's shoulders.

"Do we have to?" He whined, nuzzling his face into Lance's hair. Lance huffed and leaned his head back on Shiro's shoulder.

"Yes, it's our first Christmas in our own house, we have to decorate it!" Lance cried, turning around in his arms and looking up into his face. Shiro smiled and leaned down to peck him on the lips.

"Alright then, let's go," he said leading Lance over to the door, hand in hand. He tugged a hat down over Lance's head, covering his eyes jokingly.

"I'll go grab the lights," he said kissing the knit hat where the bridge of Lance's nose would be.

"You're the best," he said before turning and heading out the door. Shiro sighed and headed to the storage closet and dug through the boxes before pulling out the brand new package of lights out of the back. Lance was extremely excited to decorate their house and bought the lights last Christmas while they were still looking for a place to move in together. Shiro smiled at the memories and back out of the storage, not bothering to put everything back in order.

He trailed outside after opening the package to make sure that all of the lights were in working order and found Lance outside up on the ladder, clearing snow off of the edge of the roof. He looked over to Shiro with a smile and gestured for him to come over.

"Alright hand 'em up," he said holding out his hand for the string of lights.

"Aye aye Captain," he snorted and began handing up the lights to the man. They moved along the roof edge, constantly moving the ladder to get the lights up easier. Lance cheered as they strung up the last section and looked at them in awe.

"How does it look?" Lance asked looking down at Shiro with sparkling eyes. Shiro grinned and turned towards the house.

"Well, I'll turn on the lights and we'll see," he said going to open the door. Before he could though he heard Lance cry out before he heard a loud thud. He whipped around and saw Lance sitting on the deck, staring at the siding of the house. His mouth was wide open and he could tell that he was trying to breathe in but was unable to. He rushed back over to him and crouched down next to him, gently rubbing his back trying to coax his lungs into working.

"Lance, are you okay?" Shiro asked concerned. He couldn't stop gasping for breath enough to answer his question and instead started crying in panic at the lack of air. He nodded his head though before closing his eyes and curling slightly into himself before flinching. Shiro's eyebrows furrowed in confusion as he looked over his boyfriend, not able to see any sort of damage. After a few minutes of rubbing his back and helping him catch his breath Shiro took his hand and turned Lance's attention to face him.

He was sweaty and looking around them dazed and confused. His eyes locked on Shiro's face and he gave him a little grin.

"What happened Lance?" He asked. Lance furrowed his eyebrows and looked at the ladder in front of them. He was huffing and his eyes darted all around.

"I fell?" He answered, phrasing as a question. Shiro's eyes widened and pulled him up to stand on his feet. Lance yelled and staggered into Shiro's chest before his knees started to buckle. Shiro gasped and lifted him into his arms. He turned to the door and started to open the door before he was interrupted by Lance's panicked voice.

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