The Letters Left Behind

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Dear Hunk,

I know a letter isn't going to be enough to thank you for being the greatest best friend I could ever have. You were always there to catch me if I fell, or help me up if I felt down. You were always someone that I could turn to when things got bad. You were there from day one.

I remember the day that I collapsed at school and was brought to the hospital and I didn't see you for so long afterward. I felt so alone in that hospital, I didn't have any friends, and my family was working so hard to keep me in there that I didn't see them much either.

I know it's kind of horrible to say but I was really happy when you were brought in. I felt so much happier with you around. When I was alone, I felt like I was already gone and I had nowhere to go. I was seeing the world in black and white. Then I saw you get wheeled by my room and it was like the sun was shining again. I felt hopeful again. I felt lighter, like the weight was slipping off of my shoulders again.

When I actually got up the nerve to go and talk to you, it was like nothing changed and we hadn't spent any time apart. Every moment I spent with you, I felt so happy and loved and my world started coming back in colours. You made me want to make everyone around me happy too. I wanted to make everyone feel as great as you made me feel. I wanted to stay by your side, and I wanted to be there to see you get out of the hospital, even if I wasn't going to be going with you. So I'm sorry for that.

I don't want you to be sad Hunk. I want you to get out of this place and go out into the world. I want you to make a difference out there. Do something that you've always wanted to do. Do something that I've always wanted to do, for me. I know that you still have that notebook with our bucket lists in it.

After everything that you've ever done for me, I feel selfish for asking you for anything else but I'm going to anyway.

1. Get better.

2. Every day, try to make one person happy (even if it's just yourself).

3. Find love.

4. Become the biggest name in the food industry.

I have the utmost faith in you buddy. I know that you'll be able to scratch every one of these off.

I love you so much Hunk. You're my brother, and I will always love you.



P.S. Merry Christmas


Dear Pidge,

A letter isn't enough tell you everything that I want to tell you Pidge, but it's going to have to do. Spending time with you and getting to know you was an honour.

I remember when I first met you and you didn't even want to talk to the nurses. You yelled and cried every time someone came in, telling them to leave you alone and to get out. You threw a book at me the first time I tried to talk to you, but I could see how much you were hurting and how much you needed someone to talk to.

When you opened up to me, I felt like I could be someone to rely on. You helped me realize that I could still help people even if I couldn't help myself. Even though my time was shorter than most, you helped me see that I could make a difference for others, even if it was by just simply talking to them.

When we would play games and you would hack them so we were unstoppable, were some of the best moments in my life. I could see how smart you were, and how your brain was wasted sitting in a hospital like this. I want you to get better fast so you can show the world what you're made of. I know that when you get back out there, you're going to do incredible things and people are going to be amazed by you.

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