Day 7: "No, I Do Remember"

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All of the paladins decided that in order to celebrate Christmas, they would each get a day to share their traditions. When it came to Lance's day, he found that everyone else decided that they would take his turn, knowing that he wouldn't be able to say no. Little did they know of the consequences of their actions.


When Pidge made the calendar to keep track of how much time has passed on Earth, they quickly realized that they were nearing Christmas. They couldn't stop talking about all of the traditions that their families had while they were home and decided that each day leading up to Christmas they would each do a day of their family traditions. Decorations, food, desserts, and gifts. Of course, all of them were excited and wanted to be able to go sooner rather than later. They decided that it would go Pidge first, then Keith, then Hunk, then Shiro, and finally Lance since he was happy to let all of them go before him.

The plans went well too, they would set up their traditions and at the end of the day, they would all help in cleaning it up too. They laughed as Pidge and Shiro tried to cook their families traditional meals but burned them half-way through, it turned into a fun way to bond though as they tried to figure out the recipes just from the two of their heads. Surprisingly Keith as a fantastic cook and turned out a great meal, while Hunk was a no-brainer with his food.

The decorations were the same, but this time it was Shiro and Pidge who excelled. Shiro strung up elegant folded papers and finely cut homemade tinsel and Pidge made twinkling lights that lined the hallways and cast a golden glow to the ground. Keith and Hunk's families were similar though, that they both took to threading and stringing up popcorn for decoration. They weren't able to find a corn type planet but something came up in storage that looked like the kernels could be popped, so they tried it. It might have looked strange when it was purple with orange spots, so they decided to paint them red and roll them in red glitter. It turned out surprisingly well and it sparkled with the hallway lights whenever they walked by.

The desserts were something that they all enjoyed since after dinner they would go into the kitchen and teach each other how to bake their family's favourite dessert for the holiday as they ate some that were already prepared. It was interesting to see what kinds of things their families liked to eat over Christmas. Panettone from Pidge, kurisumasu keiki from Shiro, gingerbread and caramel from Keith, and sugar cookies from Hunk. They were able to pull off the taste off the dishes even if they didn't really look like the dessert itself.

It was kind of awesome that they would be getting a gift every day too. When Pidge nervously handed out the small boxes they immediately were wowed by the shiny Christmas ornaments that were carefully laid inside. Each of them were the same colour as their paladin armour and sparkled slightly with glitter. Of course, they were all grateful for them and her worries were quickly washed away by all of the thank yous she was getting. The days after were also a time of learning for the paladins. They learned that Hunk's family made charms for each other that represented something that they had accomplished that year. So each of their charms were of their lion's face. They weren't exactly sure how Hunk had accomplished it but they weren't too curious either, he had done some pretty amazing things in the past after all. When Keith passed around newly designed and fabricated pyjamas, they learned that his dad used to always design and sew new pyjamas for him every year and it was always his favourite gift out of everything he received. They weren't going to lie, it was freakishly adorable of him. It also came to light that Shiro lived on Earth with his mother and grandfather and every Christmas his grandfather would fold him a different animal out of paper and give it to him, even though he wasn't able to move his hands very much anymore and although he always forgot about a lot of things, he never forgot his tradition to his grandson. There were more tears shed during those times but at least they were all good memories.

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